Page 13 of Cruel Love

Fox hesitates. “Dani...”

“Just say no.”

“I can’t.”

She blinks. Her mouth sags open but nothing comes out.

Fox takes a step closer to her but she beelines for the door. “Dani...”

Dani rushes outside, refusing to look back at any of us. I feel an ache of pity for the girl, I really do. But there’s more at stake here than she realizes.

Caleb follows her. “I’ve got her,” she says.

Boxcar’s annoyed expression succumbs to the inevitable. “If you’re going international,” he says, “you’ll need new passports, IDs, et cetera. It’s pretty guaranteed you’re all on a no-fly list somewhere and, if not, the Boss probably has you and any identities you’ve had tagged.”

“I have that taken care of already,” Fox says.

“Wait, really?”

He nods. “Fresh IDs for me, Dani, you, and Caleb.”

Boxcar’s face screws up. “You just… have fake passports for me and my wife sitting around your house?”

“Yeah,” he replies with a shrug.

“And you don’t think that’s weird?”

“It’s not,” I say, fighting a laugh. “It’s a standard habit for people like us. I have extras for me and Lilah, too.”

“Well, that’s…” Boxcar shrugs, “not at all scary or unnerving.”

“I don’t have one for Lucy, though,” I say, looking at her. “Not a whole lot of options for it while you’re already in hiding.”

“Or Archer,” Lilah adds, her head tilting at him. “Sorry. You’re pretty but you’re new and I’m not sure you’re fake ID-worthy yet.”

Archer nods. “No worries, love. I’ve got my own travel methods. And… ouch?”

She rubs his thick shoulder.

I look at Fox instead, still not quite comfortable with the two of them sharing displays of affection in front of me. “Think your guy can make one up for Lucy?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Not as fast as we need it.”

Boxcar raises a hand. “I know a guy back in Boston who could — and fast if you pay him enough. He’s kind of shady, though...” He chuckles. “On second thought, I doubt that matters in this crowd. I’ll give him a call.”

I nod. “Thank you.”

He flashes a forced smile. “Next stop, Boston?”

I make eye contact with Fox and we both nod in unison, triggering another sudden prickle of nostalgia down my spine.

“Sounds good,” Fox says.

Boxcar stands and gestures to the door. “I’ll go see to the ladies,” he says.

Fox nods and waits for the door to close behind Boxcar before looking at us. He studies the four of us, eyes drifting from face-to-face, but I don’t sense threats or hostility behind his eyes.

“Give me tonight,” he says slowly. “I’ll meet you in the morning, just... I need one night.”