“Same reason you are,” I say.
He nods. “Can I trust them?”
“You can trust me.”
“That’s not good enough, Fox,” he says. “I have my family here.”
“I understand,” I say slowly. “I only ask that you talk to Dante before making a decision. He can help you.”
Luka looks at Sofia. A bit of resistance shows on his face against her determined stare, but it doesn’t last.
“All right,” he finally says, running his fingertips through Lucian’s hair. “We’ll talk.”
Sofia pushes up onto her toes and kisses my cheek. “And we’ll talk more later,” she says to me.
I give her a nod and she takes a step back to carry Lucian inside.
“Say goodbye to Uncle Fox, Lucian,” she tells him.
He waves a tiny hand at me. “Bye, Unca Fots,” he says.
I grin and wave back. “Goodbye, Lucian,” I say.
Sofia smiles even wider as she disappears inside with him. “No, Fo-x,” she says softly, prompting him to repeat it until he gets it right.
I think of the night I met them. Her covered in blood, him screaming and crying. There wasn’t a moment then I didn’t sense fear in her eyes. That’s all gone now. Now, I see strength and confidence. I see a happy mother and a laughing child.
I see what my future could be like once all of this is over.
“He’s getting big,” I say.
Luka’s nose curls. “It was all that Italian sunlight. Stunted his growth.”
I chuckle. “Right.”
He takes a quick step closer to me. “You know, Fox…” he says, clearing his throat. “I would appreciate it if you’d stop making my wife fall in love with you.”
I smirk. “And who was it that broke up her first marriage again?”
He points a stiff finger. “Shut up.”
I let out a dry laugh, taking a moment before asking. “This...” I pause. “I realize this might not be the best time, but I would like to ask you a personal favor.”
He nods, going serious. “There’s no such thing as a bad time to start repaying my debt to you, Fox. Name it.”
“There’s a woman,” I say. “From Los Angeles. She’s in hiding right now but if anything were to happen to me...” I look him in the eye. “I’d like for her to be looked after. I know that if I can trust anyone with that, it’s you and Sofia.”
“Of course,” he says. “Give me her information and I’ll have Markov make arrangements.”
“Thank you.”
He pats my shoulder and gestures toward the door. “Now, tell me more about your friends.”
Chapter 25