Page 8 of Cruel Love

It’s been a long time.

He hasn’t changed much. He’s let his dark hair grow out a little. He always kept it buzzed before, no doubt a habit from his Army days. The scar along his cheek stands out as we ride beneath the streetlights. Each time the lights flash on his face, I can’t help but glance back at him in the rearview mirror. His eyes are still dark and distant, but he keeps them wide-open, focused mostly on Lilah in the front seat beside me.

I look at the gun in her lap. She’s still got that white-knuckle grip on it as if Fox will lash out at any moment. Honestly, he could, and we probably wouldn’t see it coming. I’d be nervous about it if his girl weren’t in the car with us but he’s not going to inspire a crash on the 405 with her in the backseat.

He looks at Dani and I witness a hidden gaze between them. She’s an actress but even she can’t hide the fact that she’s terrified. But not him. Not Fox Fitzpatrick. He’s been through more stressful things than this and I know that because I was right beside him when they happened.

I hit the gas as we continue toward the edge of the city, constantly checking the side mirrors to watch for tails. Lilah’s more than got that covered for me, though. She barely blinks. A few days on the road with her and I hardly saw her even rest her eyes. Archer confirmed that as well. She’s in mission mode. I’ve seen it before. Lilah won’t rest until it’s over but the longer it goes on, the sloppier she’ll get.

We reach our motel on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I turn off the highway and roll into the parking space just outside of our room. I catch the curtains slightly shifting in the window ahead. Lucy. She knows not to look outside but I suppose she just couldn’t help herself.

I steal another glance at Fox and Dani in the rearview mirror just in time to see his lips twitch into a smile. She nods once, feeling a little comfort. He really loves her. I’d say that I never figured Fox capable of it but, then again, I used to say the same about myself.

Lilah throws open her door and steps outside as I do. Fox follows slowly, bending over and reaching in to take Dani’s hand. She slides along the seat to exit on his side rather than hopping out to stand beside Lilah. Don’t really blame her.

We walk to the room and I pause to knock three times in rapid succession, followed by another duller tap. The chain slides free and the door opens on Lucy’s relieved eyes.

“How’d it go?” she asks, stepping aside.

I gently take her arm and guide her away from the door. I have little reason to suspect that Fox will try and hurt Lucy, but the instinct would be there no matter who I brought in through that door.

She squints with confusion, her head twisted back to watch as the rest of them come in through the door. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. “Holy shit. Is that Roxie Roberts?!”

“Shh,” I whisper, leading her into the corner.

She lowers her voice. “Why did you bring Roxie Roberts here? Do I look okay?”

I tilt my head. “Luce, come on. You’re gorgeous.”

“Not Roxie Roberts gorgeous,” she argues, staring over my shoulders at her.

I grip her chin and force her to look at me. “I need you to keep your cool. Okay? She’s just a—”

Lucy gasps. “Are you bleeding?” She leans closer and nudges my jacket collar to the side. “You’re bleeding...”

“I’m fine.”

“What happened?”

Lilah appears near the sink beside us. “Found them in the nick of time,” she answers for me. She flicks the sink on to wash her hands and the water spins down the drain with a subtle pink hue. “Myra’s team is already here.”

Lucy grabs a cloth off the counter, her eyes still locked on the edge of my neck. “Let me see it...”

I brush her hand away. “Later,” I tell her. “Right now...”

I glance across the room at Fox. He had the same instincts as I did. Put the girl in the corner farthest away from your potential enemy. Stand between them with one hand within reach of your weapon.

“Just stay right here,” I say. “Don’t move.”

Lilah shifts forward and I hold up a hand.

“Both of you.”

She glares at me in annoyance but stays next to Lucy.

I reach behind me to withdraw my gun from my belt. Fox stiffens instantly but I present it muzzle-down.

“We’re just talking here, Fox...” I say, tossing it onto the bed several feet away. “No guns needed.”