As I pass by Archer’s trailer, the door swings open and he sticks his head out. He holds a toothbrush in his mouth with one hand and a little cup in the other.
“Morning, mate,” he says, barely opening his mouth.
I nod. “Hey.”
“Lilah?” he asks.
I point across the lot and he follows the direction to see her still lying across my car.
“Christ,” he says to me, “you look like hell.”
“I’ve had a long week,” I say.
“Yeah, tell me about it. Any sign of them yet?”
“Well, they’ll show. Sparky will do the right thing.”
He shoves the brush back into his mouth and rubs it along his bottom gum-line.
I’ve seen my sister stumble over plenty of losers in my life. I never thought for a second she’d bother with the blond-haired blue-eyed good old boy from England. Usually, I don’t like to be surprised but I’m glad I am this time.
It doesn’t mean I can’t give him a hard time. I am her big brother.
I gesture downward. “Your fly is open, bud.”
Archer flinches and reaches down to fix it. “Thanks,” he sputters with that toothbrush pinched between his cheek.
I move on around the building until I arrive at mine and Lucy’s room. I shove the door open and step inside to find her bent over with one leg raised back behind her. She balances on her right knee, an act that instantly makes me nervous.
Her concentration doesn’t break. Her face stays stoic and expressionless. She inhales slowly through her nose and exhales out her mouth. Complete concentration.
I close the door silently and wait until she lowers her leg and opens her eyes.
“Hey,” she says. It’s like a switch got flicked inside. Her posture sags and she twists her neck to one side until it pops. “You keep gawking like that, and I’ll have to start charging.”
I laugh. “I hoped to catch the end of your morning routine.”
She reaches for a plastic cup of water on the table beside her. “Why?”
“You know why.”
She smiles and takes a quick sip. “Well, if you’re gonna watch, be useful. Come here.”
I step forward and she sets the cup down.
“Stand in front of me.”
I do as she asks, and she guides me by the shoulders until I’m right where she wants me.
“Put your hands on my hips and don’t move,” she says.
I rest my palms on her sides, studying her carefully. “Luce…”
She raises her right knee and extends her leg up to rest her ankle on my shoulder.