Page 42 of Cruel Love

I study the windows as I pass, seeing nothing and no one suspicious. Maybe I’m being too paranoid but at least I’m getting in some good practice.

I reach Olympic Boulevard and smile. Apparently, Fox would choose the impound lot with the largest sign to make sure that even a silly girl like me would see it.

I walk inside, happy to get off the street but the lack of air conditioning here provides little comfort to my sweat-glazed forehead. It’s also cramped inside. Just one employee working the desk, which itself looks about ready to fall apart beneath the man’s leaning weight. Three empty chairs line the wall. A water fountain with an out of order sign.

“Can I help you?” the man asks, barely looking up.

“Yes.” I pause in front of the desk, a name on my lips. “I’m here to see Pliskin,” I say.

He instantly looks up. “Pliskin?” he repeats.

I nod. “Yes, sir.”

He stands a bit taller and lowers his pen. “I’ll go get him,” he says.

“Thank you.” I swallow hard, my head at a permanent tilt to keep my face hidden.

He disappears into the back. I lean forward, listening to the gentle hum of voices inside but it’s hard to make out any words.

The entrance opens and I put my back to the sound of the entry bell. I step to the side to make room, once again pretending to fiddle with my phone as they take several strides toward the counter.

The man pokes his head out of the room to see who came in and nods. “I’ll be right with you, ma’am,” he says.

“It’s all right. I’m with her.”

I spin around, drawn to the friendly, familiar voice behind me.

“Caleb,” I say, breathing a sigh of relief. “What are you doing here?”

She smiles and adjusts the duffel bag strap on my shoulder. “Fox told me to meet you here. Didn’t say why but I figured...” She looks around. “We’re getting out of here, right?”

“Yeah,” I answer. “He told me to give them a name and they’d give me a car.”

“What name?”


She snorts. “Fox would see himself as Kurt Russell.”


“Kids these days...” She kisses her teeth. “No knowledge of the classics.”

I chuckle as I throw my arms around her. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Aww.” She pats my back. “Feels good to be loved.”

I linger in the safe embrace for a bit longer before pulling back. “But really, what are you doing here? I thought you were going with Fox and Boxcar?”

“Ehh...” She blows out, making horse lips. “It’s a short story but I’ll tell you about it later.”

I nod. Good enough for me. I’m just happy I don’t have to do this alone anymore.

“Ladies.” The man emerges from the back and jiggles a set of keys. “Right this way.”

I look at Caleb, so-very-thankful to have her with me. We step forward together and the man leads us through the back hallway and outside onto the lot. He says nothing as we walk the long line of cars, some in pristine condition, some not-so-much. If I know Fox, he chose something common that won’t stand out and if I knew anything at all about cars, I imagine I would be thinking of a few examples, but…

“Here we are,” the man says, stalling out in front of a dark blue sedan. It’s not old, or particularly new either. It’s just a common car.