Page 92 of Mad Love

“Yes, we are still.”

I wait for that look of disappointment but it never quite surfaces.

Instead, she smiles and lays a hand on my shoulder. “Whatever makes you happy, Fox,” she says. “With what you’ve been through that’s really all that matters to me.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Mom. You, too.”

She clears her throat and drops her hand. “Speaking of which, I, uh... I’m going to be staying with your grandparents for a while.”

“In Seattle?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She hesitates. “Bennett and I are splitting up.”


“I tried to make it work, but...” She pauses as a rush of anger shadows her eyes. “I can’t stay with the man who kicked out my son like that. Keep thinking if he hadn’t have…”

“Mom...” I shake my head. “You can’t put all the blame on him. I chose to enlist.”

“I know. And I couldn’t be prouder of you for that, it’s just...” She swallows. “He’s not the man I thought he was in many ways. It’s time for me to go.”

“Well, you know I won’t disagree with that.”

She chuckles. “I figured.”

“Let me know if you need anything.”

“I will.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Today, actually,” she says. “I packed a bag this morning. Next step was to call you and let you know but you took care of that for me.” She glances at Bennett’s door. “What brought you out here, anyway?”

“I, uh...” I take a breath and reach into my pocket for the small velvet box. I pull it out and her jaw drops with her growing smile. “I’m proposing tonight.”

“Fox...” She takes the box from my hand. “Can I...?”

“Yeah,” I say as nervous jitters twist my insides.

She opens it and her grin widens. “Oh, Dani will love this.”

“Think so?”

“Of course. Vintage?”

I nod. “Caleb helped me track it down.”

She snaps the box closed and sighs. “Congratulations, honey.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Let me know how it goes.” She bites her lip. “Should I stay in town? Will there be a party?”

I slip it back into my pocket. “No, you go ahead. We’ll probably keep it quiet. Might plan a trip up the coast to see you instead.”

“That works for me.” She steps forward and hugs me again. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.”