Page 87 of Mad Love

“Hey, Lilah!” Lucy calls from the other side. “Breakfast in five!”

“... Okay!” Lilah replies.

I laugh quietly. “Well, that’s bloody awkward.”

She rolls her eyes. “You have no idea.”

I turn her onto her back and pin her hands above her head, leaning down to cover her neck in soft, warm kisses.

Lilah hums. “She said five minutes, Archer...”

“I need ten.”

She throws her head back and laughs.

* * *

I guess even a family of killers sit around the breakfast table in the morning. It’s nice to see that some things remain consistent no matter where life takes you.

Lilah stands up to go refill her coffee mug for the third time. I fire a look of judgment at her and she smirks back while she raises the mug to her lips and takes a big gulp to spite me.

I laugh to myself, letting my gaze drift down to her toes until I remember we’re not alone.

Dante stares at me across the table with a butter knife clenched in a tight fist. I swallow hard and force my eyes downward.

Lilah returns to the table and sits beside me, briefly running her fingers along my shoulders and shooting sparks down my spine.

“Okay…” Dante drops the knife a little too hard against his plate. “We need to lay down some ground rules here.”

Lilah looks at him. “For what?”

He hesitates. “For you two having sex in this house.”

Her brow rises. “Seriously?”

Lucy sighs from her spot beside him. “Dante…”

“We could hear you last night and…” he says, folding his hands together on the table, “it makes me uncomfortable.”

I sink into my chair, but Lilah leans forward.

“Are you actually being serious right now?” she asks him.

“Yes.” He nods. “I think, from now on, you shouldn’t… in the house, anymore…”

Lilah’s jaw drops. “Do you have any awareness of how loud you and Lucy are?”

His eyes bounce between her and Lucy’s pink face. “We are not!”

“Yes, you are! It’s like the walls of your room are made out of friggin’ balsa wood!”

He points a thick finger across the table. “That is bullshit. And anyway, we’re not talking about me and Lucy. We’re talking about you and Archer. As the oldest, I have some authority here.”

Lilah throws up her hands. “We’re adults! You can’t play that card. This isn’t high school.”

“Yes, I can.”

“So, you’re allowed to bone here whenever you want but I’m not?”