Page 67 of Mad Love

A few heads peek out over the railings and they quicken their pace in our direction.

“There they are!”


We all reach for our pistols with trained hands as the first few gunshots pop into the floor in front of us.

“Down! Go!” Dante shouts.

Elijah and I rush the stairs as Dante provides cover, firing multiple shots upward at the agents who dare stick their heads out again.

We cling to the wall, running fast until the door to the third floor swings open and two agents attack us.

I use my forward momentum to kick off the wall and slam a hard fist into one’s throat. He lets out an animalistic choke and falls to his knees while the other agent points his pistol at me. Elijah fires first, killing him instantly, and I waste no time doing the same to the man on his knees in front of me.

Dante grunts in pain above us.

“Dante!” I gasp.

Elijah pulls me back as an agent falls from the story above. He screams all the way down before slamming head-first into the bottom floor.

Dante catches up with a fresh cut above his left eye, but he pushes us forward. We hop over the bodies to continue down. We don’t make it half a floor until the lobby door opens and four more agents in tactical vests come piling in.

“Shit,” I mutter, clenching my teeth as we all spin around.

We go back to the third floor and Elijah slams the door closed behind us.

“There should be another stairwell on the other side,” I say.

Dante nods and the three of us bolt down the corridor. The stairwell door behind opens as we near the elevators and my heart jolts with each trigger pulled.

We all slam our backs to the wall, squeezing into the alcoves by the doors to dodge the bullets.

“On second thought…” I say, poking the elevator call button beside me.

Dante drops to his knees and takes aim down the hall. I plant myself behind him, firing over his head, and we easily take down three agents together.

“Elijah,” I shout. “Flank.”

Elijah turns to watch our backs. I keep an anxious eye on the elevator as two more engage us from the stairway in front.

If Myra just wanted to bring me in, she wouldn’t have brought this many agents to do it. This is overkill. You don’t send this many agents for one job unless you’re expecting a fight.

I guess the Hart family isn’t under suspicion of treason anymore.

This is a Code Black.

“More on this side!” Elijah says.

I look over my shoulder as he fires down the hall at four agents, one of whom is dressed a little differently than the others.

Myra never did like wearing black.

She pokes her head around the corner and makes eye contact with me in her sleeveless, white dress. Her red lips curl as she looks from me to Dante and back again. Vindication crosses her face and my blood boils with rage.

The elevator finally arrives, dinging softly behind me and I sigh with relief. We all back up against the doors and quickly step on as soon as they open.

I pound the key to the lobby, keeping my head down as more bullets pelt against the alcove. “Come on…” I growl, tapping a little harder.