Page 60 of Mad Love

“Lilah…” he continues, “you’re my sister. My twin. Okay? Hot nurses come and go. You don’t. I don’t ever want you to think otherwise.”

I pause, slightly intimidated by his strong tone. Elijah doesn’t put his foot down very often, but when he does, I feel a surge of pride.

“Okay,” I say.

Elijah takes the bowl of pink water and tosses it out into the bushes off the porch. “What about your wrists?”

“My wrists?” I notice the red and purple marks. “Oh…” I shake my head. “They’re fine.”

“He tie you up?”


“He didn’t… hurt you, did he?”


“Because I’ll beat him up for you.”

“No,” I say again, smiling. “You wouldn’t have caught us the way you did if he had.”

“Good.” He stands and leans down to grab his medkit.

I take his hand. “So…” I smile wider. “Was she cute?”

Elijah breathes a reluctant laugh. “Yes,” he answers. “She’s cute. And smart.”



“Good teeth?”

He laughs. “Not the first thing I noticed, but yeah.”

“You gonna see her again?”

“I might, if things calm down.” He pauses, his eyes twisting with hesitation. “So, what’s the deal with you and the bounty hunter?”

I wince. “I have no idea.”

“What exactly happened?”

“I don’t know.” My pulse skips as I stand up with him. “One minute, we’re fighting — like actual fighting — punching and kicking each other, and the next…”

His face screws up. “Weird.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. If he really is working with Myra, then I can’t trust him at all. I can’t believe a word he said to me.” I kick the stairs beneath me. “I feel like an idiot.”

Elijah throws his arm around my shoulders. “That’s ‘cuz you are one—” I jab his ribs with my elbow. He laughs it off. “It’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up. Dante will do that enough for you.”

“Think he’ll get over it?”

“Yeah.” He waves dismissively at the front door. “You know him. He just needs to let off steam. You two will be back to calling each other big brother and little sister in no time.”

“And what about you?”

“Eh…” He tilts his head with a sour expression, milking the moment for as long as possible before letting me down easy with a warm smile. “I already have.”