Page 57 of Mad Love

“It doesn’t matter what I think,” I say. “Myra, on the other hand—”

“Myra is here?”

“Just answer the question, Dante!”

“No! I didn’t have anything to do with it!”

“Guys…” Elijah gives a cautious glance around the parking lot. “That’s enough.”

We stare in silence for many deep breaths before Dante turns his back on me and paces several feet away.

I look at Elijah. “How did you find me out here?”

He holds up his phone. “Your signal pinged about twenty minutes ago. We were nearby.”

My brow rises. “In Chicago?”

“When you disappeared from the hotel, I asked around,” he explains. “Found a girl on staff who saw you leave with a blond-haired, blue-eyed, British guy. Sounded familiar.”

I nod. “I didn’t exactly leave with him. He caught me.”

Dante blinks. “He caught you?”



I sigh. “I put my guard down for one second, okay? Archer tracked us to St. Louis from LA and we…” I hesitate. “I screwed up.”

Elijah keeps his focus. “From then, it was just checking security footage and tracing his ride to Chicago. Trail was going cold, so it’s a good thing you turned your phone on when you did.”

Dante digs his heel into the dirt. “Still not fast enough to stop you from doing something stupid.”

“Dante, chill,” Elijah says, raising his hand. “Lilah, what did Archer want with you?”

I turn away from Dante’s scowl. “Enzo Zappia. He wasn’t happy about what we did to his little brother, so he hired Archer to track us down. He brought me back to Chicago. Enzo refused to pay up and things got violent.”

Elijah checks me up and down with trained eyes, searching for wounds. “You okay?”

My mind instantly flashes to the aftermath of me spread eagle on Archer’s table. “Nothing too bad…”

“The girl at the hotel said you two talked at the bar.”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Why didn’t you tell me the second you saw him?”

“Myra gave me a mission to take him out,” I say. “I didn’t want you to know.”

Elijah steps back. “Why not?”

“I thought I could handle it myself.”

My brothers pause and look at each other, their faces quickly filling with silent dread.

“What?” I ask.

Elijah nudges Dante’s arm. “Show her.”