Page 45 of Mad Love

“The feeling is mutual, love,” he says, enjoying the anger on my face. “But that never stopped me before and I bet it hasn’t stopped you either.”

I grit my teeth. “Archer—”

“I want to fuck you, Lilah Hart.” He pauses, letting the words sink in. “I want you to sit on my face. I want to shove my tongue so deep into your cunt, I taste your fucking eyeballs.” He stands up and stares me down. “You can distrust me all you want. That’s fine by me. But I get the feeling you like a little danger in your bed. I know I do.”

He walks backward, taunting me as he slowly creeps toward his bed. I sit in silence, softly buzzing on the bench, until he disappears into the shadows.

Well, shit.

My blood pumps through my veins, reawakening the same lust from before. It struck me so hard then, standing in front of him, pinned by his hands. I wanted it. I wanted everything he gave me and more. I still do.

But I have a job to do.

I close my eyes. For nine years, every decision I’ve made was for them. Help the organization and they’ll help you. That’s how this has always worked. It has kept me and my family alive, but…

My eyes open with annoyed clarity. “Hang on…” I stand and follow him with a few wide strides. “Is this why you parked out here?”

His lips curl in the doorway. “Will you hurt me if I say yes?”


“Then, yes.”

I scoff. “Why would you say yes to that?”

“I’m a glutton for good punishment.” I turn and he grabs my arm. “Stay.”


“Because you want to.”

“I really don’t.”

“Then, I want you to. That should count for something.”

“It really doesn’t.”

“Well, go on,” he says, calmly releasing me. He takes a step back and leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his bare chest with smug delight. “Leave.”

My heart pounds into my ribs with passion and rage. There are a hundred reasons to turn around and walk out of here, preferably leaving him an ice-cold corpse on my way out, but none of them account for that throbbing power between my thighs.

Archer steps forward, his face tilted downward to stare into my eyes. “What are you afraid of?” he whispers. “That I’ll hurt you… or that you’ll like it?”

I roll my eyes. “You couldn’t hurt me even if you tried.”

“I’ll take that bet.”

He touches my chin, guiding me closer to his lips. Warm breath glides over my cheek, followed by his hand resting just below my ear. “If you have a safe word, you best let it be known now.”

Our lips graze, just barely touching as his fingers curl around my neck.

“I can’t remember it.” I smile and lay my palms on his chest. “I’ve never had to use it.”

He kisses me, long and firm, and my knees quiver beneath me. “Was I right about you?” he whispers, pulling my dress down my arms. “You need a man who can give you what you need…”

His teeth sink into my shoulder and I tremble with the pain. “Yes,” I breathe.

My dress falls to my ankles. Archer lays his hands on my breasts, feeling and squeezing me as he nibbles at my neck.