Page 16 of Mad Love

He squints at me through his bangs, taking the bait. “You think so?”

“Why not? Sounds fun. I’ll hang out at the hotel, eat my weight in room service, take a bath…”

“Be careful now, Lilah.” He laughs. “You wouldn’t want to accidentally have some fun.”

“That is my fun.”

I slide the helmet on and sit down on my bike.

Taking out Archer Allen solo will be easy enough. Elijah doesn’t have to know about it or Myra’s threat to our very existence.

Luckily, if Archer really is trailing me, then all I have to do is stay out in the open long enough. He’ll come to me.

And besides, Elijah’s right.

I might accidentally have some fun.

Chapter 6


The hotel lobby is mostly deserted. Every time I glance up, I’m blinded by the golden sheen mirroring off every surface of the place. Even the chandelier above the entrance glitters like a damn jewelry store. These Botsford Plazas are gaudy as all hell.

But it doesn’t surprise me at all that Lilah Hart likes to travel in a bit of luxury.

I keep my face obscured behind a wrinkled magazine I borrowed from the adorable girl behind the front desk. She’s flashed her long lashes at me since I sat down several hours ago, but I’ve got my eyes set on something a little more mature.

The twins check-in around seven-thirty in the evening.

She catches my eye immediately. I grip the magazine tighter to keep it from slipping from my fingers and watch as the two of them fetch their room keys from the front desk. I’m too far away to hear the girl as she says the room number. I may be able to sweet-talk that information if I really need to.

Lilah glances over her shoulder in my direction. I dip low to avoid getting caught. Blood rushes to my head, stirring the adrenaline in me and I smile to myself. I wonder if she can feel me looking at her. Could she sense me this morning, too?

Her voice finds my ears and I peek out to find them standing across the lobby at the elevator. They chat quietly as they wait. I keep my head down to avoid the reflective surfaces.

Finally, they board the lift and the doors close behind them. I toss the magazine aside and stare at the numbers above, waiting to see what floor it stops on.

It halts on the 9th floor before dropping back down to the lobby. Now that I know that, I can start forming a more solid plan. To catch Lilah, I must get her alone. They don’t know I’m here. I have the element of surprise working in my favor, but I don’t exactly have this cat in-the-bag just yet. I got the drop on her back in Los Angeles, too, but that didn’t quite go as planned…

I sit back in my chair to think. I’ve collected more creative bounties than this one before. I should be able to handle it, but I find myself blocked all the same. She’s dangerous and so is her twin but that’s par for the course in my line of work.

What am I missing?

The elevator opens. I grab the magazine again as Elijah steps off, looking cleaner and more confident than before. He’s ditched his bomber in favor of a nice suit jacket and combed his shaggy hair back. Someone’s ready for a hot date.

Good. The fewer Snake Eyes agents in the building, the better.

I wait to see what he’ll do. Elijah heads outside with his keys in hand, barely stopping, which means Lilah won’t be joining him. She’s upstairs, alone…

This just got a little less complicated.

I stand up and head for the front desk.

“Excuse me…”

The girl turns around and beams at me. “What can I do for you, Mr. Smith?”

I lick my lips and deepen the accent. “I have a favor to ask you,” I say, sliding the magazine back to her. “But I promise I won’t get you into any trouble.”