Page 77 of Mad Love

Archer reaches into his pocket for the car keys and tosses them at Dante. “For you,” he says. “The man who ordered his hit.”

Dante catches them and moves to the trunk.

I stand still and stare at Archer as I recognize the muffled voice inside. My heart races with revenge and grief and love — all at the same time. Archer risked his life to bring Elijah back here… and he risked a hell of a lot more capturing a damn Zappia, too.

He meets my eyes. “I’m sorry for your loss, Lilah.”

My lower lip trembles.

Dante pops the trunk and the shouting stops. For the first time in days, my big brother smiles.

“Hey, Enzo,” he says.

“Aw, shit.”

I walk over and stand beside him. Enzo’s beady eyes flinch in my direction. I take pleasure in his sweat-covered, panicked face.

“Warm enough in there for you?” I ask.

The harsh summer sun beams down at him as he squints in anger.

“Hang in there, Enzo.” I glance over my shoulder at the lake behind us and reach up to lay my hand on the trunk door. “We’ll get you cooled off soon.”

“Wait, wait—”

I slam it closed on him and he starts screaming again.

Dante turns to Archer and walks back over to him by the car. They stare at each other for several moments before Dante finally nods.

“Thank you,” he says.

“You’re welc—”

Dante punches Archer in the nose.

I gasp as Archer falls back against the car. His hands fly to his face, cradling his already busted nose. My instincts tear in two, leaving me frozen between my brother and my lover. I expect Dante to keep pounding on him, but he steps back instead and walks away to join Lucy on the porch.

Archer stands upright and nods as blood trickles down his lip. “I guess I deserved that.”

“Why?” I ask.

He shrugs and wipes it away. “I kind of banged his little sister…”

I sigh. “Thank you.”

Archer shifts backward and blocks his face. “You’re not going to hit me, too, are you?”


He relaxes. “Then, you’re welcome.”

I look him up and down. “Are you okay?” I ask. “Do you need a tampon or something?”

“No.” He smiles. “I think I’ll manage.”

“How’s the head?”

“Hardly felt it, love. And it worked, obviously… until I tossed a gangster in a boot. That stood out a bit.”