Page 29 of Mad Love

“You might want to get some sleep,” I say.

She doesn’t respond. Lilah just sits still, staring straight ahead at me with those dark, predatory eyes. Maybe she is the monster Enzo claims she is. I almost don’t want to turn my back on her, but I spin around and make my way to the driver’s seat up front.

Four hours to Chicago.

It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

Chapter 9


Archer Allen is better than I thought he was.

He learned quickly from his mistakes back in Los Angeles. It was a bit foolish on my part to assume he’d be just as easy to manipulate this time.

I have to wait this out. My brothers and I have a system in place for this kind of thing. Soon, Elijah will realize I’m not where I’m supposed to be. He’ll call Dante and they’ll track down where I am. They always have before, even without GPS trackers sewn into the seams of our bags.

Archer finding that was an unfortunate mishap, but it’ll only slow them down by a few hours. Now, whether they’ll figure it all out before I’m handed off to be filleted by Enzo Zappia…

Well, I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

A soft blanket falls over me. I open my eyes to see Archer towering over me beside the bed.

“Did I wake you?” he asks.

“I wasn’t sleeping,” I claim, pushing to sit back against the headboard. “What are you doing?”

He adjusts the blanket to cover my feet. “You looked cold.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“Bullshit. Your nipples are about to slice holes in that dress.”

I force a scoff in disgust, refusing to admit how right he is. It’s damn freezing in here.

He throws another blanket onto the floor in front of the bed and slides his leather jacket off, revealing tight, toned arms sticking out of his shirt.

“What are you doing now?” I ask.

“We’re just outside of Chicago,” he says, hanging the jacket on a hook sticking out of the wall. “I’m going to get a little rest.”

“On the floor?”

“Well, my bed is currently occupied, and I don’t fancy getting my neck twisted in my sleep, so… the floor it is.”

I breathe a laugh. “Fair enough.”

He falls out of sight as he lays down. I scan the dark trailer, searching for a way out but it’s not here. This headboard was created exactly for a situation like this and nothing short of snapping my thumbs is going to get me out of these cuffs. Sure, I could borrow a page from Lucy Vaughn’s Manual for Escaping Shitty Situations, but I get the feeling I’m going to need full use of my hands sometime very soon.

My cell phone is still in my duffel bag. If I can get to it and turn it back on, then my brothers could easily track it. It would only take a second…

There’s no brute-forcing my way out of this. I’m going to have to find another way.

“Hey, Archer?”

After a few moments, I hear his voice from the floor below. “What?” he mutters.

“Why was I sent to kill you?”