Page 21 of Mad Love

“Trust me. I’ll get to it.”

He presses his smiling lips against mine, firing sparks through my fingers and toes. I kiss him back, barely parting my mouth. He wants more, I can feel it, but I’d rather tease a man for as long as possible than give him what he wants.

I open my eyes and we stare at each other, breathing heavily for a long moment. He leans down and lays a hand on my thigh, slowly crawling his fingers beneath my dress. My skin flutters with his touch and I sigh as he reaches around to cup my ass. He kisses me with an open mouth, enveloping my lips with his and I can’t hold back any longer.

The elevator stops and the doors crawl open. His hands fall away as titters erupt behind us.

Archer turns around and flashes a wink at the trio of young girls as they board, each one dressed to the nines and on their way out for a night of clubbing.

“Good evening, ladies,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him into the hallway. “You all look lovely.”

The accent hits their ears and they all give me looks of approval before the doors close on their pink faces.

“You weren’t kidding about the accent,” I say, taking my hand back and reaching into my purse for my room key.

“Are you going to pretend all night that you’re immune to it?”

I scoff. “Who’s pretending?”

We pause in front of room 914 and I unlock the door. Archer lingers over my shoulder, standing barely an inch away from me. A nervous rumble plagues my stomach for a second as I glance up into his powerful blue eyes.

Nope. Not pretending at all…

I break contact and push the door open to put a little distance between us. He closes it behind us. I watch the mirrors around me as he scans the golden room. Archer Allen isn’t an ordinary man. An ordinary man would be looking around for ordinary things, like condoms or drinks or what kind of luggage I have. Archer’s a bounty hunter. Trained and savvy. I must keep that in mind.

I check the time. It’s just after eight o’clock. I can’t imagine bingo night lasting anywhere past nine, so I’ll have to be quick if I want to get this job done before Elijah comes back.

I bend down to slide my heels off.

“Wait.” Archer steps closer. “Leave them on.”

I tilt my head and kick them free. “Request denied.”

He chuckles. “You know, your foot beneath that table was the most action I’ve had in months.”

“How unfortunate.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“You’re a busy gal, but…” he narrows his eyes, “when is the last time you had some good time off?”

I laugh but his expression never changes. “You really want to know that?”



“Why not?”

I shake my head once. “It’s not relevant.”

He winces. “That long, eh?” My jaw drops and he laughs. “You spend a lot of time traveling the world, am I right?”

I don’t answer, feeling a growing annoyance as he takes a step around me.

“Mission-to-mission, place-to-place,” he continues. “Never quite settling down. And you work with your brothers, so I imagine you don’t travel too far away from each other and that could start to feel a bit cramped.”