I look up to find Sergeant Rhys standing at the end of my cot. “Yes, sir?” I ask, jumping up.
“Where’s Carson?”
“Oh, he’s—” I pause mid-point, realizing that he’s not on his cot.
A quick glance around tells me he’s nowhere to be seen. It’s just Fox, Rogers, and West.
“He was here a few minutes ago.”
Rhys stares back at me with annoyance. “Well, go find him. We don’t need him wandering around alone, remember? Bring him to me. I need to see that radar footage from earlier.”
“Yes, sir.”
I bend over to find my boots, silently cursing his name.
Dammit, Carson.
Fox gestures to Rhys. “Sir, have you heard from command about the convoy?”
Rhys’ face falls. “Yeah. They said to ignore it.”
“Ignore it?”
He nods. “Apparently, it’s not interesting enough to waste resources on. I’ll keep you guys updated if they say anything else but, in the meantime, ignore it.” He spins around to leave. “And find Carson.”
I wait for the sergeant to disappear before sighing hard. “Did you see him leave?” I ask Fox.
He shakes his head. “I’ll go with you.”
I slide my jacket on and wait for him to lace his boots before charging outside into the windy night.
Chapter 9
“This guy is really starting to piss me off,” I murmur, glancing around the nearly abandoned camp.
Fox grins. “You should cut him some slack.”
“Caleb, come on. It’s obvious.”
“I know it is and I don’t like it. This isn’t the place for his crush.”
“It’s not just his.”
I stop in my tracks. “Excuse me?”
He smirks. “Caleb.”
My jaw sags. “You think I…? Him?”