“They’ll wait longer. You’re mad at me and I want to know why.”
I seethe with impatience. “Well, for starters, you left me to wake up alone this morning.”
“I had to work.”
“It was rude.”
“Oh, come on…” He narrows his eyes. “You’re not that kind of woman.”
I lean back. “What kind of woman?”
“The kind who gives a shit about cuddles and butterfly kisses.”
“I’m not — but I expect to be treated with a certain level of respect and waking up alone with a strange man wandering around your house doesn’t exactly qualify.”
He keeps his smile. “Spencer is not strange. A little odd, maybe, but far from strange.”
I look at my feet. “It was rude.”
“Perhaps I misjudged you, Ms. Vaughn.”
“Perhaps you did.”
“Let me make it up to you.” He leans in closer and that perfect cologne targets my senses again. “Come to dinner with me tonight.”
I wince to conceal the lust charging up my spine. “Why?”
“Because I enjoyed spending time with you, and I’d like to do so again.”
“Are you actually being serious right now?”
“Yes,” he answers. “Go out with me tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to.”
“You didn’t enjoy spending time with me?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
My throat clenches. “I didn’t say that.”
“Then, come out with me tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I breathe a laugh. “You gangsters really aren’t accustomed to hearing the word no, are you?”
I clench my teeth. “Mr. Hart—”
“Mr. Hart, please, let me pass.”