Page 31 of Tainted Love


He stands up, smiling wide as he releases her hand. “Ms. Vaughn,” he repeats, shifting his eyes back to me. “Hart, you let me know if you or the lady need anything.”

I nod. “Of course.”

Enzo glides away, laying a soft hand on her bare shoulder as he swings by. I expect Lucy to say something as soon as he’s out of earshot, but she keeps quiet, her eyes purposefully locked on mine, and brings her glass to her lips for a stiff sip.

“What?” I ask her, sensing the words building on the tip of her tongue.

“Nothing,” she murmurs between sips. She takes her time, pouring a healthy amount down her throat before setting the glass down. “I’m just sitting here… acting poised.”

“I can tell.”

She inhales a quick breath and her posture sags. “Not only did you bring me to a mob restaurant—”


“—you brought me to a mob restaurant where I’d be surrounded by the very men who tried to have my father killed.”

“I regret nothing.”

“I should stab you with my fork.”

“You’re welcome to try.”

Lucy lets herself look around again, obviously not caring anymore about whom she might offend. “This is fucked up, you know that, right?”

I pinch the stem of my wineglass. “Come now, Ms. Vaughn. If being around killers actually bothered you, you never would have agreed to spend the evening with me. Again.”

“What makes you think it doesn’t?”

“That look in your eyes.”

“What look in my eyes?”

“The one you’ve had since the moment I kissed you tonight.”

She falls silent and I take a victory sip of wine — perhaps prematurely, but it tastes delicious all the same. “Being a decent fuck doesn’t vindicate you of wrongdoing, Mr. Hart.”

“I never said it did, Ms. Vaughn.”

“You see, this is the problem with gangsters in this city,” she says, her voice firm but low. “Their entitlement to own things they hold no claim over.”

“You feel I believe I’m entitled to you?”

“Why wouldn’t you be?” she asks. “I’m curious, exactly how much money did you shell out to spend last night with me?”

I bite my lip, holding back my grin. “A lot.”

“Was it worth it?”


“Every penny?”

“I’d pay it all again, Lucy. And more.”

“You’re psychotic.”