Page 72 of The Favor

“We’ll head up at two, get in by six. Starts at seven. You wanna ride back, you can. Cade offered to house your sorry asses if ya wanna leave in the morning.”

Caden lived about twenty minutes from Ghosttown and had an awesome set up at his place, with a small apartment unit on his property. He’d stay the night and hang with Caden, as most brothers would probably do.

It wasn’t lost on Trax that maybe one reason Kase pulled for the small town had something to do with being closer to his family.

Rourke stepped forward. “Cade commit to the deal yet?”

Trax watched Kase. His shoulders tensed, and he avoided eye contact.

“He will.” It would be the only answer they’d get. All the men knew better than to push further with Kase. Trax assumed Caden just needed more time, and he understood it.

Gage stood and made his way out of the room, followed by the prospect, Dobbs, and Rourke. Trax walked toward the door but stopped when Kase called his name. Trax glanced over his shoulder.

“Give me a minute.” He jerked his chin to the door, and Trax closed it.

The tension between the two of them had been thick since the incident. He hadn’t apologized for his part. Neither had Kase. Trax figured they would let it go and move on.

“We got Hades and the club visiting this weekend.”

Trax immediately tensed his shoulders and straightened his back. Rourke had mentioned a visiting club, but Trax hadn’t expected it to be Hades’. The whole reason behind the party on Friday was to confirm Saint’s and Kase’s suspicions of who’d killed Mick. Hades’s club would be the last he’d expect to take out one of theirs.

Kase folded his arms. “I see where your head’s at, but we don’t know anything yet.”

Trax shook his head in disbelief. “Yeah, but fucking Hades’s club, that don’t make sense.”

Hades was the VP of his club and had a strong bond and connection with the Ghosttown Riders since Trax patched in. When they ran into trouble, Hades was the first man they reached out to for backup. He wouldn’t betray them, or Mick, and especially not, Saint.

Kase didn’t respond and walked over to the table. His silence was clear. It may not have made sense, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t possible.

Kase sat and leaned back in his seat. “She gonna show next Friday?”

Trax drew in a deep breath. “Yeah, said she would.” He cocked his brow. “Her choice, Kase. Told her she didn’t have to, and I’d back her decision, but she wants to do it. For Mick.”

He raised his brows. “And you, brother.”

Trax stared back, not answering.

Kase rested his elbows on the table. “Known you a long time, Trax. Hard pressed to find a brother as loyal to the club as you. Got a lot of respect for you. Always have.” His brows furrowed, and he narrowed his gaze into a sinister glare. “You ever put your hands on me again, you better fucking kill me ’cause I’m only gonna let it slide this one time. You feel me?”

Trax didn’t fear Kase. If they did go up against one another, there would be no guaranteed winner. They were equally as deadly. But he had been wrong. He shouldn’t have laid hands on Kase. “Yeah, I get ya.”


Trax turned to walk away.

“Shoulda had you there.”

Trax froze before he slowly turned to face Kase.

Kase sat back in his seat, staring at Trax. “I fucked up. Your girl, seeing her reaction to the fear, doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Doesn’t sit right with me either, Kase.”

He nodded. “I know.”

Trax rested his hands on his hips. “She doesn’t trust the club.”

He nodded. “I’m gonna make it so she does. Just need her here on Friday.”