Page 56 of The Vow

It was a risk. Vada had told her mother not to come, blocked her calls, and was holding her ground about no contact. Vada showed all the obvious signs of being completely done with her mother. But, I know Vada. That small ounce of hope was still within her, even if she refused to admit it.

“No,” Hades said.

With only two days ’til the wedding, there was no telling whether her mother would show, but Hades was already prepping for damage control. On the chance she did show up, he’d make it known to everyone they weren’t to share their feelings with Vada. Or her mother. Some people would be easier than others to keep in line. Trista would probably be the hardest. But he’d make it known and have Gage back him up.

This had the makings of a complete fucking disaster.

Chapter Twelve

For as organized as she was, Vada was still running behind schedule. She should’ve taken Trista up on her offer to come over this morning, but with everyone having family in town, Vada didn’t want to burden them. Unfortunately, gathering all of her and Allie’s things and packing the minivan took longer than expected.

At her insistence, Hades had spent the night before at the clubhouse. She knew he found this specific tradition of not seeing each other before the wedding absurd. Still, he humored her and left the previous night at nine. Now, she was wishing she’d forgone that tradition in lieu of having him there to help her.

Allie tried to help but she was too excited. Their tardiness was only perpetuated halfway to the clubhouse when Allie, in a panic, informed Vada she’d forgotten something. Vada resisted at first, promising whatever it was, she was sure they could find something to replace it. But Allie was adamant, and to keep the peace, Vada drove back home so Allie could get it. It. Vada still had no idea what she’d forgotten because Allie refused to tell her. Strange.

When Vada finally got the clubhouse, she pulled into the lot, eyeing all the cars and trucks. There were more than she expected. The wedding wasn’t scheduled to start for another five hours. She circled around to the front of the building past the line of motorcycles parked on the side.

“Can I get out now?” Allie had her seatbelt off and held the door handle.

“Let me park first.” As soon as she shifted into park, Allie was out the door and running toward the clubhouse. By the time Vada got out, Allie was already inside.

She walked around to the back of the minivan.

“It’s about time you showed up.”

Vada leaned past the side of the van and smiled. Phoebe, followed by several prospects, was headed her way.

“I was getting worried. Thought maybe you’d changed your mind,” Phoebe teased.

Change her mind? Not a chance.

“I thought I had everything organized, but…” Vada looked at the back of her van and sighed. She’d done her best to label all the boxes, and she’d made a diagram to remind herself how she wanted it all set up.

“No worries. The guys are going to take everything in and set it up.” Phoebe turned to the prospects. “All the garment bags and anything not labeled for the reception bring back to Gage’s old room. Last door on the left.”

What? Vada spun around, shaking her head. “Oh no, they don’t have to do that.”

“Yes, they do. I got a copy of your instructions from Trista, who swiped it from your binder. They already started and know where everything is supposed to go. And if they run into trouble, they know to come find me, and I’ll sort it out.” Phoebe grabbed her wrist, pulling Vada away from the van. “Now, you come with me.”

The prospects swooped in and started unloading.

“Thank you.”

She received a few head nods, but Luke was the only one who smiled and said, “No problem, Vada.”

Phoebe snickered and then whispered. “I wonder if that crush of his will fade after you’re married.”

Vada ignored the teasing and glanced around the lot for her best friend’s car. All the women had offered to come by early and help, but again, they had their own families to tend to.

“Do you know what time Trista’s coming?”

Phoebe smirked. “She’s been here for the last hour. All the women have.”

Vada grabbed Phoebe’s arm, forcing her to a halt. “Wait, all of them? But I told them they didn’t have to. I mean, everyone has their parents and siblings in town.”

“They’re not here because they have to be, Vada. They’re here because they want to.”

Her eyes welled. She was overcome with emotion. She knew she’d be an emotional mess today, but she just hadn’t expected it so soon. Phoebe wrapped her arm around Vada’s shoulders and walked her inside.