Page 53 of The Vow

This was news to Hades. He’d been waiting on Vada to bring it up, but she hadn’t said a word. “She finally asked you?”

“No, but after what I said, she won’t. And I figured if I bring it up, then she’ll think I’m doing it outta obligation. So, I’m taking matters into my own hands. I’ll just show up in my suit and meet her at the aisle.” Gage held up his plans. “I cleared it with Trista, and she said Vada would love it.”

Vada will love it.

Dobbs walked out from the back hall, lifting his chin. “Hey, man, how’s it going?”

Hades nodded, reaching into his wallet for his credit card. “Be better when I finish this job.”

Dobbs slapped his back as he walked past him. “Two more days.”

Two more days ’til the wedding. Hades handed Gage his card just as his phone rang.

He pulled out his cell, glancing down at the screen. Blocked number. Most people wouldn’t have bothered answering. However, he still stayed in touch with a few people who preferred to remain off the grid. He tapped the phone and lifted the receiver to his ear, “Yeah?”

It was complete silence. Hades waited a few seconds, then looked at the screen. They hadn’t ended the call.

“You got something to say? I suggest you fucking say it ’cause I’m about to hang up.”

Hades was two seconds away from following through with his threat when the voice on the other line cleared their throat.

“May I speak with Roman Monroe, please?”

Roman Monroe? Very few people called him Roman. Aside from family and now Vada on occasion, he’d gone by Hades for the past two decades. The woman’s voice wasn’t familiar, but he detected a slight accent that had more to do with society than geographical location. Her tone was proper and stilted.

“You got him,” Hades said and waited.

It was probably a telemarketer, and he was immediately regretting his decision to answer. He was just about to take his card back from Gage when the caller spoke.

“Mr. Monroe, my name is Carolyn Zink.”

Hades' hand stilled, and he slowly glanced up at Gage.

Gage’s brows knitted. “What? Who is it?”

This was the last person he ever expected on the other end of the line. In all his time with Vada, he’d never even heard the sound of this woman’s voice. Vada usually called her mother when he was out of the house. On the rare times her mom called Vada, his woman always left the room before taking the call.


“I know who you are.” His tone was stern and unwelcoming. It expressed everything he was feeling.

He had no idea why she’d be calling him, and he didn’t care. But if she thought going through him was a means to get to Vada, she was wrong.

“I’m sure you’re very busy, and I don’t—"

Hades didn’t let her finish. “I am.”

“I’ll be quick then. Vada is avoiding my calls.”

No shit.

“If she wants to talk to you, she’ll answer.”

“I’ve tried several times.” She paused. “I believe she’s blocked me.”

Hades had zero sympathy for this woman.

“What the hell does that have to do with me?”