Page 6 of The Vow

“How many more minutes?”

Allie had been stationed at the window for the last thirty minutes, asking the same question every five. Tonight was monumental. A first of many, Vada hoped.

Vada glanced down at her phone. “We’re now down to six minutes.”

Allie sighed as she turned back to the window with her shoulders slouched. She leaned closer, practically pressing her cheek against the glass.

When Vada had initiated and organized the first father-daughter dance at Turnersville Elementary, motorcycles were the last thing on her mind. As a newer teacher, she’d gotten heavily involved with a lot of activities, and bringing a few new ones to the table came naturally. The event was Vada’s brainchild, and she served as the chairperson for the committee. It wasn’t a new idea or concept. They’d been happening in schools for years. Vada had even had them at her own school when she was a child, though she’d never attended one. Her father was always too busy. But just because she’d missed out didn’t mean Allie should.

It was an easy sell to the school board. They used it as a fundraiser, and as of the last count, they had over fifty father-daughter duos attending. Initially, it was only for students, but Vada pushed for it to be open to the community. She’d had an ulterior motive for insisting. Since Trini and Roan’s daughter, Emme had moved to Grove Mill, Allie was a bit lost without her best friend. She had other friends, but there was something special about their friendship. A little sisterhood, much like the one Vada shared with the Ghosttown Riders’ old ladies, and even included motorcycles.

In a move Vada hadn’t seen coming, Allie and Emme wanted their dads to take them to the dance on their motorcycles. It wasn’t how Vada had pictured their first dance, and she was the first to point out the setbacks of arriving on the bikes. They’d have to wear helmets, which would mess up their hair. Their dresses would probably be wrinkled, and open-toed dressy shoes would have to be replaced by sneakers. Surprisingly, nothing she said could dissuade Allie and Emme. They knew what they wanted and stood their ground. And Vada immediately backed down. This was about the girls, not her. Besides, even Vada could admit riding on the back of Hades’ bike was so much cooler than arriving in her minivan. Plus…

I’m a sucker for the bike, too. Whenever given the choice, Vada always picked Hades’ bike for travel. There was something freeing and exhilarating about the motorcycle. And being pressed against her man with her arms wrapped around him tight wasn’t bad either.

“Now how many?”

Vada rounded the couch and headed toward the stairs. The last thing Allie needed was to be waiting on Hades when the others arrived. As it stood, he wasn’t exactly thrilled about the dance. Hades would do it for Allie without complaint. But, he’d expressed his annoyance that Vada hadn’t come up with another fundraiser. His irritation only added to her amusement, which earned her a playful spanking that night. But I’m not complaining.

“Three more minutes.”

Allie bounced on her toes, continuing to look out the window. Vada walked upstairs and peeked into her room from the doorway. Hades had just come out of the shower and was only half dressed in a clean pair of dark jeans with his damp, bare chest and abs on full display. Vada wasn’t a believer in perfection except when it came to Hades’ body. Defined chest, roped abs, and biceps that seemed unreal. Her gaze skimmed over his back when he turned. Tattoos for days. Vada had always been indifferent to them. Everyone was entitled to do what they liked with their bodies. But since being with Hades and seeing his? I’m a fan.

And in three weeks, I get to marry you.

Hades hadn’t noticed her, and Vada took full advantage, simply watching her future husband walk to the closet. He pulled out a long-sleeved, dark blue shirt. There wasn’t a specific dress code for the dance, but Vada had a different vision in her mind. She’d tried to talk him into a collared shirt, but that was struck down immediately. It didn’t matter. Hades was taking his daughter to her first dance. It would be a memory Allie would keep forever. God, great dads are sexy!


I see you, baby.

Hades knew his woman. Knew her steps, her scent, her voice, and everything in between. He was more in sync with Vada than anyone in his life besides his daughter. Hades didn’t have to see or hear her; he always knew when she was close. Or happy. Or upset and scared. It’s my job to know.

Hades put on his shirt, allowing Vada a few last seconds of non-stealthy stalking. He arched his brow and glanced over his shoulder, smirking.

“Voyeur, huh? Quiet ones always are the dirtiest.”

Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, but she held his stare with a playful smile. Vada had come a long way from the shy, self-conscious woman he’d met years ago. He liked to think he had something to do with that. Not entirely, though. Vada always had it in her; she just needed people to believe in her. She’d found that in Ghosttown. With me.

“So.” Vada grinned and sat on the edge of the bed. “Are you excited?”

It wasn’t the word he’d use to describe how he felt about tonight’s festivities.

Hades sighed, walked across the carpet, and sat in the chair in the corner of the room but didn’t answer. For as much as Hades was an involved parent, he preferred some activities over others. Spending time with his daughter had always been a priority for him. He had spent a lot of time trying to make up for the time he’d lost with her. He could think of a million things he wanted to do with Allie. Going to a dance wasn’t one of them.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun. We got a great DJ and lots of snacks, and I rented one of those photo booths. And the photographer we hired has tons of props, so you can take some really fun pictures.”

Ah, somebody fucking shoot me. Unknowingly, Vada was describing his biggest nightmare. Thankfully, he had an idea how the whole night would play out, and it wasn’t nearly as father-daughter as Vada had made it out to be in her head.

“And, of course, all the dancing.”

Fuck. No. That was where Hades drew the line.

Hades grabbed his boots from the side of the chair and started to put them on. “No dancing. Gonna take a picture or two, and then she and Emme will be off with their friends. Hope to fuck Roan brings a flask.” It’s gonna be a long two hours.

Vada gasped. “Roman!”

That was too fucking easy. Vada may have grown into her own and shed a little of her naiveté, but not all of it. It was one of his favorite qualities about her. It kept her kind, a little innocent, and real.