Page 7 of The Vow

“Baby, I’m fucking with you.”

“Oh, okay.” She flattened her lips and whispered, “Good.”

He finished lacing up his boots and stood. Hades walked over to their dresser, grabbed his phone and wallet, and tucked them into his back pockets.

“So.” Vada cleared her throat, looking across the room. This was her thing. Anytime she tried to broach a subject she didn’t think he’d like, she made a point of prolonging her awkwardness. I love when she does this shit. It may have been annoying to some people. Not Hades. It was quirky, a little strange, and completely and authentically Vada.

“Speaking of dancing…”

Ah, fuck me, not this again. Hades knew exactly where this was going. It wasn’t necessarily a calculated move on Vada’s part, but she’d been inserting this topic into any conversation whenever possible for the past two months.

“We need to pick a song for our first dance at the reception. I have one in mind. Do you want to hear it?”

“Baby, I don’t dance.”

She pushed up from the bed and clasped her hands, twisting her fingers. “I know, you’ve said that in the past.”

Hades arched his brow. “And I meant it.”

“Right.” She licked her lips. “But this isn’t really dancing. It’s more” —Vada rocked side to side on her feet— ”like swaying.”

Hades flattened his lips, keeping his smile at bay. “I don’t sway either.”

It was easy to read the disappointment on her face. The corners of her mouth tugged down in a slight frown, and her gaze dropped to the floor. “Oh, okay. I just wanted to make sure.”

Fuck! The second to last thing he wanted to do was upset her. Unfortunately for her, the last thing he wanted to do was dance. It wasn’t his thing. Plenty of people enjoyed it, but he wasn’t one of them.

Hades closed the gap between them and grabbed her waist in one hand and her jaw in the other. He forced her to look up at him. “Hey.”

She forced a smile.

“I’ll give you whatever you want with this wedding…”

And he had. Hades had been more than accommodating with everything Vada wanted. Hell, he’d agreed to change the date twice. But this was where he drew the line.

She peeked up through her lashes. “Except dancing?”


She leaned in, brushing her lips against his. “It’s fine. The first dance is old-fashioned anyway.”

Fuck me.


“Hades, it’s fine, really.” Vada wrapped her arms around his waist. “I just want to marry you. All the other stuff is just extra perks.”

Too fucking sweet. Being with Vada was a constant reminder he didn’t deserve her. But fuck it, she’s mine. Hades tightened his hold over her jaw and kissed her. This shit never gets old. Vada moved closer, angled her head, and gave him full access to her mouth. He took it, deepening the kiss and tasting her. Hades’ mind was going to all the wrong places at the moment. He wanted to strip her down, spread her out, and fuck her. Two years later, his desire for Vada hadn’t simmered. If anything, it’d grown into an obsession.

When Vada’s hand skimmed over his stomach, he gripped her wrist, knowing exactly what she was doing. Vada Zink was the ultimate tease, even if she didn’t realize it. They didn’t have time, and he’d be damned if he was sporting a hard-on when the others arrived. They’d have to table this for now, but he had plans for her later tonight.

Hades ended the kiss, putting space between them.

“One more thing?” Vada asked.

His thumb strummed over her cheek. “What?”

“You’re still a nay on writing our own vows?”