Page 4 of The Vow

Hades glanced over his shoulder and watched Sydney walk over with a beer in her hand. “We were sharing it.”

Sharing a beer? It seemed Sydney wasn’t a much better liar, either. She placed the bottle down, and he caught a silent exchange between the two women. Evidently, Vada’s comradery with old ladies extended outside of the Riders.

“Beer, Hades?”

He glanced up at Rose who was behind the bar. He gave her a sharp nod and sat on the open stool next to Vada. It was too quiet. He looked to Kase for some type of clue, but even his president was stone-cold, giving nothing away. What the fuck is going on?

As he turned his head, a small slip of paper between Vada and Grain caught his attention. It had a date scribbled on the back. Hades slid his arm on the bar, coming into Vada’s space. Her gaze heated slightly, and she leaned in closer. Ah, this fucking woman. She dropped her hand to his thigh, drawing a circle on his leg with the tips of her fingers. That was all it took. One look and an innocent touch, and he’d get hard. Happened every fucking time.

When he’d first met Vada, awkward and fumbling, he could’ve never predicted the effect she’d have on him in her seductress mode. Sexy without trying, though his woman was putting in some effort at the moment. Vada licked her lips, and he immediately zoned in on her mouth.

“Allie won’t be home for another hour,” Vada whispered.

“Plenty of time to make you come.”

His gaze scanned her face, and the corner of his mouth spiked. I love watching you blush, sweetheart. She bowed her head slightly, and as he moved closer, his lips grazed her cheek.

“You hiding something from me?”

Vada jerked her head, shifted awkwardly in her seat, and shook her head. “Of course not. What would I be hiding? I-I don’t hide stuff from you. I’m not a hider.”

Hades muffled his laugh. A hider? She was laying it on thick. And one thing was clear. Whatever she was trying to hide was known by the others in the room. Hades slapped his hand down on the paper, gaining everyone’s attention. But there was only one person he was concerned with. Vada’s harsh gasp echoed in his ears. He grabbed the paper and flipped it over. It was a picture. Not the best quality. It was grainy and old.

Hades held it up closer. A group shot from a long time ago. He recognized all the members and most of the women. It was slightly before his time. A few years before he started prospecting.

“Look at you, Grain. No grays in this.”

“Fuck off, Hades.”

The laughing was a small distraction, but Hades was curious where it’d come from. He’d seen a few pictures from the earlier years in the club, but not this one. Jack, Tully, Mick, and Grain. The Originals.

“Where’d you get this?”

Regina tapped on the bar. “I found it in my stuff. Thought Kase might want it, maybe hang it up here.”

It was a plausible answer and a quick one. A little too quick? He glanced down at Vada, who refused to look at him.

“Let me have it,” Kase said.

Hades leaned across the bar, offering it to Regina, who grabbed it and handed it to Ryder. It made its way down the line until it reached Kase. He looked down at it, his gaze scanning all the members. It was a good memory and a fitting one. The originals were finally back in Ghosttown. Kase turned the photo to give Trax and Rourke a better look. Trax leaned in closer with a small smile playing on his lips.

“Ah fuck, look at Mick,” he said it as if to himself. There was no missing the respect and loss in his tone. Mick, one of the original members of Ghosttown, along with Jack, Grain, and Tully, had left their mark on many brothers.

“Who’s the woman with Jack?” Rourke asked, and all three men zoned in on the photo.

“No fucking clue.” Kase squinted, inspecting the photo. “But she looks like…”

“Colleen,” Regina blurted, and Hades looked over. Regina took a drag from her cigarette and pointed to Kase. “A club whore. She was with a few members over the years.” Regina smirked. “But in the end, she was pretty close to Jack. Going to my grave thinking your Dad and Colleen had something.”

“This is fucking Colleen?” Kase asked.

Regina nodded.

They’d all heard the stories of club whores from back in the day, but the infamous Colleen had become more well-known in recent years. For one reason only.

“Hell.” Rourke snorted. “She does look like Marissa.”

Hades glanced at his president, who hadn’t taken his eyes off the picture. Kase’s features softened slightly. “Yeah.”