Page 18 of The Vow

“Is that really what you think?”

When her mother didn’t respond, Vada snapped, “Is it?”

“Vada, you’re very emotional at the moment.” Her mother’s calm demeanor only intensified Vada’s anger. She had dismissed her relationship with Allie as if she was just a caretaker.

“Let’s talk next week,” her mother said.

Let’s not.

Vada reached over and tapped the screen, ending the call. She dropped her face into her hands. She tried to maintain an even level of breathing, but between her anger and complete disappointment, she was on the verge of hyperventilating. Everything she thought they had been working toward in rebuilding their relationship just came to a crashing halt. It was as if she could physically feel the last bit of hope leaving her body.


Vada wasn’t sure how long she sat on the couch, but the room was darker than she remembered. An hour must have passed. In that time, she’d been in a total daze. When she heard the heavy boots on the porch, she quickly wiped her face with her sleeves and waved her hands, hoping to eliminate any remnants of tears.

She busied her hands, stacking her papers just as Hades walked in the front door.


Hades scanned her face. “What’s wrong?”


He was so in tune with her. She was a fool to think he wouldn’t see past her faux smile. She waved her hand and forced a chuckle. Vada wasn’t going to admit to anything. Still, there was a good probability that her eyes would give her away. Crying was always the hardest to cover up.

“Nothing. I was on my phone. Saw one of those videos of a lost dog being reunited with his owner, and it made me emotional.” Technically, it wasn’t a lie. Vada could never get through one of those videos without crying. Hades furrowed his brows. She was sure he was going to say something, but he quickly shifted his attention to the stairs.

“You ready to go to Uncle Saint’s?”

Vada leaned past the couch and saw Allie sitting on the top stair. Vada hadn’t even heard her come out of her room.

Allie nodded. “I’ll get my shoes.”

“Last chance to eat a meal you don’t have to cook,” Hades offered.

Bailey had invited them over for dinner. Being around them all together as a family was probably the best remedy for how she was feeling. But Vada didn’t trust herself. A breakdown would mean opening up to Hades about what happened. Vada wasn’t ready for that. It was best to hang back and get herself in order. Hades and Allie deserved that.

“I have to do my lesson plans. Need to hand them in tomorrow.”

Another lie. She wouldn’t be getting much done tonight. Sadness and disappointment had a way of invading one’s thoughts and holding them hostage in the mind.


Since making the move to Ghosttown and patching over from East to the Riders, family dinners at Saint and Bailey’s had been a staple. With both their parents deceased, the brothers were all they had, along with their girls. It would have been perfect if Cia, Saint’s daughter, and Vada could’ve made it. But Cia was at her mother’s house, and as Bailey pointed out, Vada had a lot on her plate. Hades offered to help where she needed him, but Vada had a vision in her mind. While their marriage was about the two of them, the wedding was all about her.

Hades tossed his napkin on the patio table and grabbed his beer.

“How are wedding plans coming along?” There was a tease in Bailey’s tone.

Hades narrowed his gaze. Two years ago, that glare would have sent Bailey running. Now? She laughed.

Bailey arched her brow. “That doesn’t work anymore.”

Hades cracked a smile when his brother chuckled.

“Be better off asking Allie. She knows more about it than I do.”

Bailey nudged Allie, who was seated next to her at the table. “Vada told me you two are making the wedding favors. I can’t wait to see them.”