Hades ignored the muffled giggles coming from the women.
“What do you need?” Hades asked, eyeing the women.
Trista propped her elbows on the table. “I know you and Vada said you didn’t want to do the bachelor and bachelorette party thing, but…”
Oh, fuck me.
He sighed, glaring over at Gage. This wasn’t the first time this conversation had been brought up. And it always ended with the same response. No.
Gage held up his hands, shrugging. “This isn’t my idea, man. This is all them, and for the record, I told Trista she’d get pushback.”
“No pushback. Just a shutdown. Not happening.” Hades took a swig of beer.
Trista widened her eyes, clearly annoyed. “Can you at least hear us out? We’ve spent a lot of time thinking of different plans and ideas. Come on, Hades. It’s for Vada.”
Hades and Vada had been on the same page when Trista brought up the idea months ago. Hades had no interest in having a bachelor party, and Vada agreed.
“You heard it yourself, Vada said she didn’t want one.”
Trista angled her head. “No. What she said was she didn’t need one. And that was after you said you didn’t want one. And you know how she is with the wedding. She wants all the traditions.” Trista smiled. “And this is very much a tradition.”
Fuck. His own words to Vada were replaying in his head. He told her he’d give her anything she wanted with the wedding. Except dancing.
He sighed and folded his arms, staring back at Trista. “What’s your idea?”
“Okay, so we have a few different options we want to run by you.” Before Trista could finish, Macy stepped up to the table and blurted, “You guys give up the clubhouse, and we bring in some male strippers.”
Four people in the room burst out laughing. Macy, Trista, Ivy, and Rose who was tending the bar. No one else. Hades glanced over at Rourke, who was glaring at his wife. Clearly, he wasn’t amused either.
When Macy sobered up, she wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. “Come on, Hades. It was a little funny.”
He hardened his gaze and squared his jaw. Trista needed to remove Macy as their spokesperson on selling this, or he wouldn’t hear them out. Trista shifted in her seat, residual humor marring her features. When she glanced up to meet Hades’ glare, she retreated slightly.
“Macy’s full of shit. That was never on the table.” Trista smirked, sharing a look with Macy. Trista lifted her chin, and Macy took the cue and addressed the men.
“This was actually my idea, but as a whole group, our favorite plan was a long weekend in the Bahamas. This Friday to Monday. Flights are really cheap right now, there’s availability at a fabulous resort, and all the girls are available. It would be a blast, and I know Vada would love it.”
His woman, on a beach in a bikini without him there. Fuck no.
Macy and Trista visibly deflated. Their shoulders sagged, and they both sighed in unison. Rose gave a similar response. She tossed her rag on the bar and shook her head. The only one who didn’t seem disappointed was Ivy. It was as if she knew it would never fly.
“Okay,” Trista said and clasped her hands. “Plan B, which is my brainchild, and the one I think would be the most fun for Vada, is renting a house in Lawry.”
Hades furrowed his brows, and Trista continued. “It’s a big city with tons of restaurants. And bars and clubs so we can go dancing. And” —she raised her brows, smirking— “we have the safety net of East being so close in case we run into a problem. Though, I don’t see that happening.”
The Ghosttown Riders’ old ladies running wild in the streets of Lawry. There wasn’t a doubt the East women would join the party, too. Trista may not have seen the future problems of mayhem and trouble, but Hades did.
“What do you think?” Trista asked.
The only thing about those plans that he’d agree with was East looking out for them. However, he was not sending Vada off to Lawry without him being by her side.
Trista groaned and folded her arms, scowling and mumbling, “Come on, Hades.”
“Anything else?” His bored tone seemed to irritate Trista and Macy, who openly glared at him. It didn’t make a difference to him.