Page 98 of End of Night

“I’m sorry you lost your mate,” Wes said. “Derek was the best of us, and he should have lived a long and happy life with you.”

Grayson’s arm went around Boone’s shoulders and squeezed hard. “I’m sorry, Boone.”

“So fucking sorry,” Coop said.

Boone swiped away the tears sliding down his cheeks. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you. We should have.”

Coop gripped his shoulder. “We knew you and Derek were close. The details didn’t matter. The only reason I wish we’d known is so we could have supported you better after he died.”

“You saved my fucking life,” Boone said hoarsely. “If it hadn’t been for the three of you, I wouldn’t be here. I love you guys.”

“We love you too,” Cooper said.

“Eh, you’re okay,” Gray said.

Cooper growled, and Wes laughed as Grayson grinned at Boone. “Just kidding. You know I love you.” He gave him a noisy kiss to the side of the head. “We’re very fucking glad you didn’t drown in that goddamn river today.”

“You feel up to telling us what happened?” Cooper asked.

“Not much to tell,” Boone said. “We were driving, and Hedra mentioned the brakes felt soft, but her car is a piece of shit, so I didn’t think much of it. Then we went down that fucking hill just before the bridge, and the brakes went out completely. I tried the emergency brake and nothing. We tried to slide between the cars and the guardrail, but there wasn’t enough room. We caught the bumper of the car in front of us, and it pushed us into the guardrail, and we went right through it like it was fucking paper.”

“Because it basically is,” Wes said. “That bridge is an ancient deathtrap, and I’m surprised it hasn’t collapsed yet.”

Grayson studied Boone. “So, are we thinking the brakes failed because her car is shit or…”

“It was him,” Boone said. “He had to have cut her fucking brake lines. Maybe her main brakes failing could have been because her car is shit, but the emergency brake, too? No fucking way.”

“Wes was outside your house all night,” Cooper said.

“He had to have done it when he dropped off the fucking cow’s tongue,” Boone said. He balled up his fist and hit his thigh. “I’m a fucking idiot. I should have known. I should have put security cameras up the minute I knew Hedra was being targeted. I should have checked her fucking car and -”

“Stop, Boone,” Gray said. “There’s no way you could have known he would do something like this.”

“Have you spoken with the police yet?” Wes asked.

“Just briefly at the river before the ambulance took Hedra and me to the hospital. They said they’d send someone here to take our statements,” Boone said.

“Looks like they just arrived.” Coop jerked his head toward the elevator, where two police officers were stepping out. “You have to tell them about this Mateo guy, Boone.”

“Yeah, I know,” Boone said. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to Hedra about it, but she can’t keep protecting him. I won’t let him hurt my mate again.”

* * *

“Be careful, little lamb.”

“Boone, I’m good. It’s been a week. You don’t have to come home every day at lunch to check on me.” Hedra grabbed her cup of tea and headed toward the living room, with Boone right behind her.

“I know, but with Nan at her place now and your family gone home, you’re here alone,” Boone said.

“I’m not alone. Max is parked outside,” Hedra said.

“He’s there for protection, not company,” Boone said.

Hedra sank onto the couch, smiling at Boone when he sat beside her and traced one finger over the cast on her arm. “My arm barely hurts now.”

“It’s more your head I’m worried about,” Boone said. “Concussions can have lasting effects.”

“It was a mild concussion,” Hedra said.