Page 82 of End of Night

He purred to her. “Feel free to climb into my bed whenever you want, baby.”

She yawned again and flopped onto her back before turning on her side and curling up, yanking the covers to her chin. “You’re the best, Boone.”

He purred again and kissed her. “I’ll see you later.”


“Hedra?” Jerome stuck his head into the kitchen.

“Hi.” She smiled at the lynx shifter.

“I’m finished with Althea, so I’m heading out now. I’ll be back Monday at two.”

“Okay. Thanks, Jerome. How did therapy go today?”

“Really good,” Jerome said. He took out his phone and scrolled across the screen. “I have two more appointments booked with Althea, and I think that will be enough. As long as she continues to do her exercises at home, she should be good.”

“That’s great news,” Hedra said.

“It is. I know she’s excited about returning to independent living.” Jerome’s phone rang, and he glanced at it. “I need to take this. Bye, Hedra. Have a great weekend.”

“You too, Jerome.”

The lynx shifter left, and she heard the front door shut as the TV turned on. The Price is Right theme song started, and Hedra got to her feet. It was close to noon, and Althea would be getting hungry. She was always hungrier after a physio appointment. Hedra pulled out the ingredients to make Althea a sandwich and a frozen microwaveable noodle dish that Hedra thought tasted like a dog’s breakfast but Althea loved.

She popped it into the microwave as she made Althea’s sandwich. She needed to eat, too, but she had zero appetite. Something was wrong with Boone. It had been a week since they’d started sleeping together, and every night when she went to bed, she told herself not to go to him. Told herself to wait until Althea moved back to her own house. Boone was careful not to mark her during sex, but she could see how difficult it was for him not to. They did their best to keep the fucking as quiet as possible, but she also knew it was a little pointless. Althea might not hear them, and Boone might not mark her, but they still smelled like each other, and his grandmother was no fool.

Was that why she returned to his bed every night? Maybe.

She stirred the noodle dish and returned it to the microwave for another few minutes. She finished making the sandwich and poured a glass of water, setting both on a wooden tray. Boone was just as enthusiastic about having sex as he’d been all week. Still, he was also withdrawing, maybe not physically - if anything, he was starting to border on clingy when she slept in his bed - but emotionally, there was a growing distance between them that she had no idea how to broach.

She needed to talk to him about it but it was impossible when they were never alone. And she had the feeling that Boone was being deliberate about that. He’d retreated to his bedroom every night as soon as Nan went to bed, and while he welcomed her into his bed eagerly as soon as she knew Nan was asleep, it wasn’t like they could talk about what was wrong. Nan’s hearing may not be as good as it once was, but if she did wake, she would hear them talking in his bedroom for certain.

Who cares? Boone’s well-being is more important than Nan’s opinion of you. She knows you’re sleeping together. Talk to Boone and find out what’s wrong with him.

Hedra sighed and grabbed the dish from the microwave when it beeped at her. She placed it on the tray with the sandwich and the water and carried it into the living room. She set it on a TV tray and moved the tray in front of Althea. “Here’s your lunch, Althea.”

“Thank you.” Althea muted the television and patted the seat beside her. “Sit for a minute, human.”

Hedra sat, squirming a little when Althea stared intently at her. “What?”

“I know you’re worried about my Boone,” Althea said.

“I am,” Hedra admitted. “There’s something wrong, but he won’t tell me what it is. I didn’t even see him this morning before he left for work, and I was up early, which meant he left extra early. I texted him today, and he hasn’t replied. I know he’s at the office today and not at Abena’s, so it isn’t like he isn’t checking his cell phone. He’s avoiding me.”

Althea stared at the sandwich before poking at the noodle dish with her fork. “Today is the anniversary of Derek’s death.”

Hedra released her breath in a harsh rush. “Oh no.”

“It’s a hard day for him. It’s a hard day for all of them,” Althea said, “but it’s worse for my boy. You know why that is, don’t you?”

Hedra nodded. “Yes, I think I do.”

“Ayuh, I imagined you did. You’re clever for a human. He’s never told me the truth about him and Derek, but I’m not dumb or blind.” Althea sighed and studied her hands. “It’s why he asked if you would work tonight. He and the others will go out tonight after work, and he’ll get drunk like he always does, trying to keep away the memories of the worst day of his life with the only people who know what he went through that day.”

Hedra’s throat was tight, and she had to blink back the tears. Her sorrow for Boone was sharp and intense, and Althea glanced at her before inhaling deeply. To Hedra’s surprise, she reached out and took her hand in a firm, dry grip. “It’s why I’m spending the night at Jerry’s house. He and Michael will be along to pick me up in a few hours.”

Hedra studied their clasped hands, and when Althea squeezed her fingers, she looked up. “Boone needs you tonight, Hedra. Will you give him the love and support he needs?”