Page 67 of End of Night

“I know.” With another glance at Boone, Hedra said, “Give me five minutes, and I’ll be ready to go.”

* * *

“This Italian place isn’t half-bad.” Jack ate another bite of spaghetti before wiping his mouth. “It’s no Bella Italia, but Henry would love this place.”

“How is Henry?” Hedra asked. “Is he still training for the decathlon?”

"He is,” Jack said. “It’s going well. He said to say sorry for missing your birthday, but he has a huge work deadline tomorrow he can’t miss.”

Everett poured Hedra a little more wine. “Sara wanted to be here as well, but her morning sickness has been awful and traveling in the car makes it worse.”

“Poor Sara,” Hedra said. “Oh, hey, Mom Facetimed me the other day and showed me the outfits she’d bought for the baby. You didn’t tell me you were having a girl.”

Nora laughed. “Because Everett and Skylar don’t know if they’re having a girl or a boy. Mom is buying an equal amount of outfits for both a boy and a girl.”

Hedra sipped at her wine. “That’s so Mom.”

“Isn’t it?” Nora poked Anthony. “Pass me your garlic bread if you’re not going to eat it.”

He handed her his garlic bread, and she bit into it as Anthony said, “So, are we going to talk about the fact that you’re dating your boss or just keep pretending you don’t stink so bad of tiger that my eyes are watering.”

“We’re not dating,” Hedra said.

“He’s marking you,” Everett said.

“Um, he can mark her without dating her,” Nora said. “It’s called no commitment sex.”

“Ew,” Everett said.

“Just because you’ve been with Skylar since high school doesn’t mean your siblings don’t enjoy banging a variety of shifters,” Nora said. “Don’t be so judgmental, Ev.”

“I’m not being judgmental,” Everett said. “I’m grossed out by the thought of any of my siblings having sex. Especially when I’m eating.”

“We’re not having sex,” Hedra said.

“Bullshit,” Jack said cheerfully. “He was gonna disembowel Anthony just for touching you. No guy is that possessive about a woman without getting some vaginal sex from her.”

Anthony laughed so hard he spit wine all over his plate of pasta.

“Jesus, Jack,” Everett said. “We’re in a restaurant.”

“Vaginal sex?” Nora rolled her eyes. “Dude, I get that you’re gay, and va-jay-jay’s gross you out, but just say pussy like the rest of us.”

“Nora,” Everett ground out before smiling at their server who had joined them.

Her face bright red, she said, “How is everything tasting?”

“Delicious, thanks,” Everett said.

Still blushing, she left as Anthony said, “So, Hedra? Is what Jack says true - are you giving your boss vaginal sex?”

Everett sighed loudly. “Fuck, this is gonna be a thing now, isn’t it?”

“What?” Anthony said innocently. “You don’t like talking about vaginal sex, big brother?”

“I, for one, enjoy vaginal sex,” Nora said.

“The next person who says vaginal sex is getting their ass kicked,” Everett said.