Page 64 of End of Night

His big hand rested comfortably against her belly, and he pulled her a bit closer until her ass was snug in his lap. “It couldn’t have been all that enjoyable to share your bed with a full grown tiger.”

She smiled in the darkness. “The purring was the perfect white noise machine.”

He chuckled and made a few soft purrs before kissing her throat. “I’m sorry for upsetting you tonight.”

“I’m sorry for coming across as ungrateful,” she said. “I’m not. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I can’t give you what you want when it comes to this. I just…”

Her voice hitched, and Boone purred louder, his hand rubbing soothing circles on her stomach. “Shh, baby. It’s okay. Don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Truly, Boone.”

“I understand,” he said.

“Do you?” she asked.

“No,” he said. The bluntness of his tone made her giggle a little, and he purred again to her.

“I’d feel a lot better if you’d let me assign someone to keep an eye on you when you leave the house.”

“I can’t afford a personal security detail,” she said.

“I’ll cover the cost.”

“Boone, that’s not -”

He nipped her neck gently. “Compromise with me, please, Hedra.”

“This compromise is costing you a lot of money,” she said.

He nuzzled her neck but didn’t say anything. She sighed. “Even if I say no to this, you’ll still do it, won’t you?”

“Yes,” he said. “I’ve already spoken to Cooper about it, and he’s agreed to assign Max to you.”

“But only when I leave the house, right?” she said.

“Yes. For now. Unless he escalates again, and then we’ll reassess,” Boone said. He cupped her cheek and turned her face toward his, placing a soft kiss against her mouth. “You’ve had a long day, little lamb. Time to get some sleep.”

She nodded and snuggled into him. “Good night, Boone.”

“Good night, Hedra.”


Hedra put the last of her clean clothes from the laundry basket into the dresser and grabbed the lip balm on top of her nightstand. She swiped some on her lips as she stared at her unmade bed.

She’d spent the entire night tucked up against Boone’s body, and despite her usual preference to have personal space while she slept, she’d probably gotten the best damn sleep of her life last night. His warm body curled around hers had comforted rather than annoyed. Even in his human form, Boone purred in his sleep, and just like with his tiger, it was the perfect white noise for her.

She looked away from her bed. Boone was already in the shower when she’d woken up this morning, and she’d told herself repeatedly that it was for the best. She might not have been in the mood for sex last night, but today? Today was an entirely different story.

Her urge to bang Boone like a screen door was at an all-time high. Hedra knew the minute she and Boone were alone tonight, she’d pounce on him like an overexcited kitten. Which, depending on who you asked, was a real problem.

There’s no problem.

Of course inner Hedra wouldn’t see an issue with it. She was a horny little tart.

But sensible Hedra knew what a mistake it was to sleep with her employer. She’d dated one of the ER doctors at the hospital, and while he wasn’t her direct boss, it had made things supremely awkward between them when he’d dumped her after a few months. He’d been uncomfortable around her to the point where it had affected his ability to do his job. Hedra had a feeling he would have gone to the higher uppers and asked for her to be transferred out of the ER if he hadn’t gotten an opportunity to work at a hospital overseas.

She’d thought she’d learned her lesson about keeping her work and personal life separate, but here she was, lusting after her boss. And if things got awkward afterwards, how fucking horrible would that be?