Page 60 of End of Night

“I… my car…someone…”

“Someone, what?” Chase said. “Hedra, what the hell’s going on?”

“Someone slashed two of my tires,” Hedra said through numb lips. And they left a knife stuck in the one with a…”

“With a what?”

“A note that says, ‘Bitch’.” Hedra chewed on her bottom lip before looking around the lot. She didn’t see Mateo, but she was still, maybe, freaking out. She placed her grocery bag on the ground and held out her hand, watching how it shook. Oh yeah, she was absolutely freaking out.

“Hedra, I’m on my way. Don’t touch anything, okay?” Chase.

“Yeah, okay,” she said.

“Go back into the store immediately,” Chase said. “Move your ass, Hedra, now.”

“Okay,” she said, grabbing her grocery bag and hurrying back toward the store.”

“Stay right in the middle of the damn store where there are plenty of people until I get there. Understand?” Chase said.

“Yes,” she said.

“Are you in the store?” Chase asked.

“Just walked back in,” she said.

“Good. I’ll be there soon.”

He ended the call, and her stomach churning, Hedra scrolled to Boone’s number. She stared at it, biting her bottom lip with indecision before shoving her phone back into her pocket. She couldn’t call Boone. His priority was his grandmother, and he couldn’t leave Althea alone just to comfort Hedra.

Please call him. We need him.

She swallowed hard and stared blankly at the people walking past her in the store. She wasn’t Boone’s mate. She couldn’t call him.

* * *

Boone walked into the grocery store. His tiger paced restlessly, growling and trilling for his mate, and Boone soothed him absently as he searched for Hedra. Fuck, where was she? Chase told her to stay in the store. Had she left anyway?


He turned, his tiger purring and calling to Hedra. She stood in the gifts and flowers section of the grocery store, a grocery bag at her feet, and her face pale. Boone hurried over to her and pulled her into his arms.

She threw her arms around his waist and buried her face in his throat as he purred and trilled to her. A few humans gave them weird looks, but Boone didn’t give a fuck. All he cared about was Hedra and her safety.

She leaned back and stared at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Chase called me.”

Confusion, relief, and annoyance drifted from her in a heady scent that made Boone’s tiger trill to Hedra again. “Why did he call you?”

“Because I asked him to tell me if this Mateo guy threatened you again,” Boone said.

She sighed. “He shouldn’t have called you.”

“You’re right,” Boone said. He cupped her face, rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone. “You should have called me.”

She acted like she was fine, but he could smell the scent of her fear under her other emotions, and her body trembled lightly against his. “You were with Althea, and I didn’t… I didn’t want to bother you.”

He brushed a strand of her hair back before kissing her gently. “Your safety is not a bother to me, Hedra.”