Page 51 of End of Night

There was nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, and she chewed on her bottom lip, weighing her options. She could stay in the tub and wait for Boone to come home and bring her in a towel, or she could make a naked dash for her room.

She hesitated a few seconds longer before pulling the tub plug. It would take her ten seconds to run to her room, and if she waited in the tub for Boone to get home, she would one hundred percent try to fuck him.

And that’s a problem, why?

Because… because… dammit, now was not the time to forget every damn reason why fucking Boone was a bad idea. It just was.

She stepped out of the tub and grabbed the hand towel, holding it up and huffing out a laugh. It wouldn’t even cover her left tit. Stuffing it back on the bar, she dried the bottom of her feet on the mat as the water dripped down her body, and goosebumps broke out across her body.

She rubbed her feet dry a second time, not relishing the idea of slipping and falling on the tile bathroom floor or the hardwood in Boone’s bedroom. Knowing her luck, she’d knock herself out cold, and Boone would find her sprawled out on the floor with her tits and hoo-haw on full display.

“Okay, Hedra, time to move that gorgeous ass of yours,” she muttered and hurried across the bathroom and into the bedroom. She was halfway across the room when Boone walked into the bedroom, studying his phone and absently kicking the door shut behind him.

She froze mid-step, exhaling softly and wondering if she could will herself into acquiring teleportation abilities.

Boone’s head shot up at her soft release of breath, and his eyes widened almost comically large as he scanned her up and down. She thought briefly of trying to cover herself with her hands before abandoning it. What was the point? Boone had already seen the goods.

His gaze returned to hers, and she said, “Hello, Boone.”

“Hello, Hedra.”

There was a beat of silence, and she was simultaneously impressed and disappointed when Boone’s gaze stayed locked in on her face.

“Alfie stole my towel,” she said.

“Right,” he said.

She swallowed hard. “Okay, well, thanks for letting me use your tub. Good night, Boone.”

Gathering her dignity, too aware of the water she dripped onto the floor, she straightened her spine, threw her shoulders back and marched buck naked toward the door.

Boone’s hand slid around her forearm as she passed him, and she stopped when he made a soft, rumbling purr.

“Boone,” she said, her breath catching in her throat when she looked at him.

His hazel eyes were a clear jade, and his look of pure lust turned her pussy slick and ready for him.

“Boone,” she breathed, “I….”

“You don’t honestly think you’re leaving this room without me tasting your pussy, do you, little lamb?” Boone growled.

She moaned when his warm hands cupped her breasts. He made a growl of approval when her back arched. He ran his thumbs over the barbells in both her nipples before glancing up at her. “Very pretty.”

“Th-thank you,” she said.

Still cupping her breasts, he leaned in and nipped at the base of her throat. “Lie on my bed and spread your legs for me.”

“Boone, we -”

He nipped her throat harder, making her gasp. “Show me what’s mine, little lamb.”

Fuck, she was about to drip more than just water on his floor. She moved to his bed, moaning when Boone palmed her ass and squeezed it as she walked past him.

She hesitated at his bedside. Water still dripped from her body, and she said, “Maybe we should put a towel down so I don’t soak your sheets.”

“If I do my job right, you’ll be soaking my sheets anyway. Get in bed, Hedra.”

She arched her eyebrow at him. “Job? Are you expecting payment for this, Mr. Jameson?”