Page 106 of End of Night

She pulled her hand back. “He seriously has triplets?”

“Yes,” Boone said. “Also, Cooper is some kind of baby magician. He held all three cubs and magically purred them to sleep or some shit like that.”

She could hear Cooper’s muffled laugh, and Boone laughed, too. “I’m sending the picture to Daisy, and you’re so getting lucky tonight, Coop. You’re fucking welcome.”

He came back to the phone call. “Sorry, Hedra.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “So, I don’t… I mean, now what?”

“I know this isn’t what we expected, but don’t worry, okay? I promise I’ll find out who’s threatening you,” Boone said.

“I know you will,” she said.

“You okay?” Boone asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I’m confused and a little freaked out. If it isn’t Mateo, then who is it?”

“I don’t know, but I promise you, baby, I won’t let anyone hurt you. Okay?”

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you, too,” he said. “Are you having fun with Nan?”

“Yes. She had a bad headache, though, so I’ve made her lie down for a nap.”

“How are you feeling?”

“A little tired myself,” she said. “I think I’ll have a nap.”

“Good. You should be resting. Turn off your phone, and I’ll wake you when I get home. I won’t be more than a couple of hours,” Boone said.

“Okay. Drive safe.”

“I will,” Boone said. “I love you, little lamb.”

“I love you too.” She ended the call and stared at Alfie, who bared his teeth at her again. “If you had opposable thumbs, I would assume it’s you trying to kill me, Alfie.”

He rested his evil head on his evil paws and closed his eyes. Hedra sighed and rubbed her forehead. Her broken arm ached, and she felt overwhelmed and exhausted. All this time, she’d believed it was Mateo and now… now she didn’t know what the fuck to do. Her world had tilted on its axis, and she didn’t have a clue how to fix it. All she really knew was that she wanted Boone’s arms around her. Needed his strength and his love.

She sighed again before standing. Alfie followed her down the hallway but went to Althea’s room. Hedra headed to Boone’s bedroom and set her phone on the nightstand before carefully lying on her back. She ran her fingers along her cast as she stared at the ceiling.

It would be okay. She and Boone would figure out who threatened her, and Hedra’s life would return to normal. She closed her eyes and drifted.

* * *

The buzzing of her phone pulled Hedra from sleep. She sat up, wincing at the pain in her arm and fumbled for her cell with her good hand. She squinted at the number, her brain fuzzy with sleep, before hitting the answer button.

“Hey, Chase. What’s up?”

“Hey. A woman parked in the driveway and is bringing flowers to the door. Check the doorbell cam and tell me if you recognize her.”

“Yeah, okay, one second.” She opened the app for the doorbell cam that Boone had installed and stared at the woman as she rang the doorbell. “Yes, it’s Abena Nkosi’s PA.”

“Who?” Chase said.

“The celebrity that Boone worked for. It’s her assistant.” Hedra slid off the bed and walked out of the bedroom. “It’s all good, Chase. Nothing to worry about.”
