Page 102 of End of Night

“He drives a mini-van?” Cooper said. “What kind of cheetah drives a fucking mini-van?”

Boone just shrugged. He didn’t care what the fuck Mateo drove. All he cared about was making sure the asshole knew if he ever went near Hedra again, Boone would bury him in a grave so fucking deep they’d never find his body.

His tiger growled in agreement, and Boone sucked in a deep breath as they climbed the porch stairs. Keep your cool.

I will, his tiger snarled.

I mean it. You can’t fucking hurt him.

He tried to kill my mate.

We talk to him, nothing more. You want to be separated from Hedra forever? Because that’s what will fucking happen if you go after this guy.

That cooled his tiger’s rage considerably. Like Boone, the idea of never being with Hedra again was enough to pull him into line with the ‘just talking’ plan. Taking another deep breath, Boone knocked hard on the front door.

From deep inside the house, he could hear the wailing of a baby, and Cooper’s lion made a low purr. Cooper turned to him. “Are you sure this is the right place?”

“It’s the address Lusa gave me,” Boone said.

“Maybe she got it wrong. Maybe she -”

The front door opened, and a man with thinning dark hair, olive skin, and bags under his eyes so big Boone could have packed his entire wardrobe into them gave them an impatient look. “Yes?”

A baby wailed, and the man turned and stepped out of view for a moment before returning. He held a screaming infant against his shoulder. “Can I help you?”

His gaze fell to the Popeyes Chicken bag. “Thank fucking God, the food is here. Annabelle! The food is here!”

He bent and grabbed the bag of food, giving Boone and Cooper a distracted nod as he jiggled the wailing baby against his shoulder. “Thanks, man.”

He started to shut the door, frowning when Boone braced his hand against it. “What? I tipped you on the app, dude.”

“I’m not a delivery man,” Boone said.

“Then what can I do for you?” the man asked in exasperation.

“Are you Mateo Waterson?” Boone asked.

“Yes, why?”

The baby screamed, the shrill sound making Boone’s tiger whimper and retreat.

“Shh, buddy, shh,” Mateo dropped the food bag on a small side table just inside the door before patting the baby’s back. “It’s okay, little man. It’s okay.”

He glanced at Boone and Cooper. “What can I do for you?”

Before Boone could say anything, there was the shrill screaming of another baby, and a woman hollered, “Mateo! I need you! We have a poop crisis. I repeat it is a poop crisis!”

“Fuck,” Mateo muttered. He stepped back and motioned for Boone and Cooper to come in. “Get inside and close the door before the neighbours make another fucking noise complaint.”

Cooper and Boone stepped into the house, and Boone closed the door as the woman shouted, “Mateo! I am knee-deep in shit over here!”

Mateo handed the baby to Cooper with a short “Hold him” before turning and darting deeper into the house.

Boone’s tiger chuffed in surprise, and Boone stared wide-eyed at Cooper as the big lion shifter held the baby. Cooper purred loudly and pressed a kiss against the baby’s delicate skull. He jiggled the cub against his chest, holding him carefully, and Boone said, “What the fuck?” when the baby quieted, and Cooper purred even louder, his big body swaying gently back and forth.

“Cooper?” Boone said.

“I like cubs,” Cooper said. “You know I want a bunch.”