Page 80 of End of Night

“Do you like cuddling, or are you just trying to make a good impression?” she asked with a soft smile.

He pulled her even closer. “I’m a cuddler to the point where it probably gets annoying. Derek said my love language was touch. His was not, and he would occasionally get frustrated when -”

He stopped abruptly and sat up, clearing his throat and pushing to his feet. “You thirsty? I’m thirsty. I’ll get us some water.”

“Sure,” she said. She watched him leave before sliding out of bed and using the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom, Boone was back in the bed with water for both of them.

She joined him, climbing under the covers and taking the offered water. “Thank you.”

He nodded before giving her a guilty look. “Sorry.”

She sipped some water. “For what?”

“Bringing up,” he paused, his cheeks reddening, “my best friend right after sex is… weird.”

She smiled at him. “It wasn’t.”

He still looked guilty and upset, and she leaned over and kissed his mouth. “Touch is my love language as well, so what do you say we do some hardcore snuggling and get some sleep.”

He purred to her. “You’re good with spending the night in my bed?”

“How will I get my snuggling in if I don’t?” she said with a teasing grin.

He purred even louder, and she laughed before setting her water on the nightstand and lying on her side. He shut off the light and spooned her, cupping her breast in one big hand before kissing the back of her shoulder.

They lay silently for a minute or two, Hedra tracing the bracelet around her wrist before she said, “Boone?”


“Don’t think I’ve forgotten that your middle name is Abigail. I’ll be demanding a full explanation tomorrow.”

He laughed and purred to her. “Happy birthday, little lamb.”


Boone stared at the ceiling, moving restlessly in the bed. It was after midnight, and the house was quiet and dark. He should have been sleeping, but he missed Hedra with an impossible to ignore ache.

He wanted her to sleep in his bed. He wanted to hear her soft cries as she came around his cock. He wanted to be buried deep in her perfect pussy.

His tiger made an irritated growl. Go to our mate.

He sighed and turned on his side, staring at the wall. Last night had been incredible, and while he had no regrets, he did regret telling Hedra he was fine to wait until his nan moved out before they had sex again.

He also regretted not fucking her again before they met her family for breakfast this morning. But they’d slept in and were running late, and he’d assumed Nan would spend the day with Jerry, and he would have time to explore every inch of Hedra’s perfect body this afternoon.

He’d been wrong. Nan was there with Jerry and Michael when they returned home from breakfast. He’d had to work hard to hide his disappointment. He hadn’t gotten a minute alone with Hedra the entire day, and while his nan would know he and Hedra had slept together, he’d done what he promised Hedra he would do and acted like they were nothing more than friends.

He’d known it would be difficult not to touch or kiss Hedra but hadn’t understood the depth of the difficulty. He hadn’t been kidding about his love language being touch, and not being allowed to touch her, not getting to show Hedra just how much she meant to him, was an exercise in torture.

I want my mate.

His tiger’s constant begging to go to Hedra didn’t help Boone’s fragile willpower.

Go to sleep. Your tiger will go to her, and then you’ll get to be with her.

His inner voice was right, but he wasn’t the least bit tired. How could he be when he couldn’t stop thinking about how good it had felt to be in Hedra’s tight pussy? How warm and wet and -

His door opened, and his tiger’s warning growl turned to a trill of happiness when Hedra’s scent washed over them. Boone sat up, staring at Hedra as she gently closed the door and tiptoed across his room to the bed.