Page 30 of End of Night

“Hmm, more of an extroverted introvert,” Hedra said.

“You seem very uncomfortable right now,” Camilla said.

“That’s the Spanx,” Hedra said.

“I’m sorry?”

“Spanx,” Hedra repeated before patting her stomach. “It’s doing a fantastic job of holding in all my jiggly bits, but frankly, I’m about five minutes from finding a bathroom and just peeling it off.”

“I don’t blame you, darling. My Spanx is killing me, too.” The amused voice of Abena Nkosi made Hedra blush.

Abena studied her before smiling. “Oh, you are just the most gorgeous thing, aren’t you? Isn’t she gorgeous, Camilla?”

“She is,” Camilla agreed. “Her hair is spectacular.”

“It is.” Abena studied Hedra’s hair, her gaze briefly dipping to her nose ring. “The blue goes well with your skin colouring.”

“Thank you,” Hedra said. “And thank you again for inviting me, Ms. Nkosi. I’m having a wonderful time.”

“Not if you’re wearing Spanx, you’re not,” Abena said with a long-suffering sigh, making both Hedra and Camilla laugh. “Your mate is impressing many of my colleagues, Hedra. If he ever wanted to start his own security firm catering to just celebrities, I believe he’d have ninety percent of the room as clients.”

“I’ll mention it to him, but I think he’s pretty happy working at Shadow Security,” Hedra said.

“Yes, I imagine babysitting celebrities isn’t quite the excitement a man like Boone Jameson craves. Speak of the devil.” Abena held her hand out as Boone approached them. Boone took it, and Abena squeezed it lightly. “I was just telling your mate how impressed I am by how many of my colleagues you’ve impressed.”

Boone smiled at her. “I think I’ve just amused them, but thank you, Ms. Nkosi.”

“Call me Abena, please,” she said. “Have you gotten enough to eat?”

“I have,” Boone said. His gaze turned to Hedra, and he gave her an excited little boy grin. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to steal my mate for a moment. There’s someone I want to introduce her to.”

“Of course,” Abena said, linking her arm around Camilla’s. “Camilla, darling, will you accompany me while I talk to that dreadful Alexander Sheffield? I’ve avoided him all evening but can no longer put it off. I need you with me for moral support.”

Camilla laughed. “I’m happy to. Boone and Hedra, enjoy the rest of the party.”

She and Abena left, and still looking as excited as a little kid eating ice cream, Boone took Hedra’s hand. “Come with me, Hedra.”

He led her across the room, and nerves and excitement flared to life in her belly. “Boone, are you about to introduce me to Karena Potter?”

“Not just Karena Potter,” he said with a sweet grin. “The Karena Potter. She and I might, sort of, maybe, be besties now? She’s having her assistant reach out next week to arrange for us to have dinner with her.”

“Holy fuck,” she said.

He laughed and winked at her. “Come on, little lamb. Let’s go schmooze with the celebrities.”

* * *

“What do you mean Jerry is spending the night.” Boone was certain his head would pop right off his body.

Hedra looked suspiciously like she was trying not to giggle as Cooper said, “Nan’s boyfriend Jerry showed up around seven, and Nan said he was spending the night. They went to bed a couple of hours ago.”

Boone stared down the hallway. “They’re in her bed together. Right now.”

“Let’s hope it’s her bed and not yours,” Hedra said.

“Not funny, Hedra,” Boone said.

“It’s kind of funny,” Cooper said as Daisy laughed.