Page 3 of End of Night

“Fuck, Boone,” she said in a breathless moan. “I want -”

“Hedra!” Boone’s grandmother’s voice raised to a shout, broke through the haze of lust surrounding Hedra. “I want to get out of the tub. Where are you? If you’re taking a dump in Boone’s bathroom, use the spray. We don’t need the smell drifting down the hallway.”

Boone’s gaze cleared, and he stared at her with dawning horror. “Holy fuck, I can’t believe I just… I’m sorry, Hedra. That was so fucking inappropriate. I shouldn’t have…”

His pupils turned to slits for nearly ten seconds before he shook his head and cleared his throat. “Please don’t quit.”

She took a shaky breath as Boone backed away like she was on fire. “I’m not quitting.”

“Good, that’s good. I, uh… fuck.” He raked his hand through his short, dark hair, making it stand on end. “I won’t do that again.”

“Hedra!” Althea shouted again. “Where the hell are you?”

“I’m coming!” Hedra called. Her legs rubbery and her body throbbing, she left Boone’s bathroom and hurried out of his bedroom. She sucked in a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart as she walked toward the bathroom she shared with Althea. Christ, she hoped her nipples calmed the fuck down before she got in there. They poked against her bra and scrub top like they wanted to escape.

Girl, forget your nipples. She’ll smell your lust.

She stopped outside the bathroom door, staring at her bare feet. Crap. Her heart still thumping, she closed her eyes and thought about Dianne, about the way she’d looked lying on the hospital bed, her body broken and bruised.

It killed her lust immediately, and her stomach now rolling with nausea, she knocked on the bathroom door before stepping into the small room. “Sorry, Althea.”

“It’s fine,” Althea said grouchily. “My favourite thing to do is sit in a tub of cold water.”

The water was lukewarm at best, but Hedra didn’t have it in her to spar with the elderly tiger shifter in her usual manner. Thinking of Dianne had sent her into a guilt spiral like it always did.

Althea sniffed the air as Hedra picked up the big bath towel. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Hedra said.

“You smell upset.” Althea’s eyes, still sharp despite her age, narrowed, and she growled at her. “I don’t like to be lied to, human.”

“I’m fine, Althea,” Hedra said. “Stop growling at me, or I’ll leave you in the tub until you turn pruney.”

Althea rolled her eyes. “This is why I hate humans. They’re so sensitive.”

“If I were sensitive, I’d have quit my second day when you told me my ass was the size of Jupiter.”

“To be fair, it is a sizeable ass,” Althea said.

Hedra turned and wiggled her butt at the tiger shifter. “It’s an amazing ass.”

Althea snorted. “My grandson certainly thinks so.”

Hedra flushed bright red, and Althea laughed. “Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed him staring at it.”

“All right, let’s get you out of the tub,” Hedra said.

As she helped Althea stand, the tiger shifter poked her in the arm. “I don’t want my grandson with a human, so don’t fuck him.”

“I have no intention of fucking your grandson,” Hedra said.

Althea gave her an indignant look. “Why not? He’s a catch.”

“He’s also my employer,” Hedra said. “Come on, let’s get you out of the tub and into bed. I’ll make you a cup of tea, and you can watch the new episode of Shifters in Love.”

“That jaguar shifter is going to choose the lion shifter. I know it,” Althea said in disgust. “He’s as dumb as a post. He probably can’t even wipe his own ass without written instructions.”

Hedra laughed, and Althea gave her another gentle poke as Hedra helped her step out of the tub. “If you do fuck Boone, make sure you use a condom. The last thing I need is a bunch of human great-grandchildren running around my house and stinking up the place.”