Page 29 of End of Night

“Celebrities are rarely what people hope they’ll be.” The lynx shifter’s low voice spoke in her ear, and Hedra put on her game face before smiling at Camilla.

“I imagine you have some juicy insider information on a lot of celebrities.”

“Definitely,” Camilla said with a laugh. “But if I want to keep working in this industry after Abena retires, I know I need to keep my mouth shut about it.”

She pointed with one bright red fingernail at the action star. “But it’s common knowledge that while this dude might be loved by millions worldwide, almost everyone in the industry detests him. He’s an asshole through and through.”

“I believe it,” Hedra said.

“So, enjoying the party?” Camilla asked.

“I am,” Hedra said. “It was lovely of Ms. Nkosi to allow Boone to bring me along.”

“Abena is very fond of Boone. He makes her laugh, and she loves that,” Camilla said.

“Boone’s a funny guy,” Hedra said.

“That he is,” Camilla said. “Hell, he’s charmed three-quarters of the celebrities in this room without trying. He’s a natural entertainer, isn’t he?”

“He is,” Hedra agreed.

They both watched as Boone, surrounded by a crowd of about a dozen people, including the Karena Potter, made an exaggerated throwing motion, and they roared with laughter.

“He’s such an extrovert,” Camilla said. “As am I. It’s one of the things that made us such a good couple.” She paused. “I hope I haven’t spilled a secret. Boone did tell you that we dated for over a year, didn’t he?”

“He did,” Hedra said. “Although, he said it was nine months.”

“Hmm,” Camilla said. “So, you and Boone started dating before you became his nan’s nurse. Is that right?”

Hedra restrained her urge to grin. If Camilla thought she’d trip her up with a few details, she didn’t understand Hedra’s dedication to her performance. “No. We didn’t start dating until after I became his nan’s nurse.”

“Will you continue to date after his nan heals?” Camilla asked.

“We will,” Hedra said.

“That’s really great. Boone deserves to be happy.” Camilla gave her a warm smile. “I’m glad he has you, Hedra.”

“Thank you,” Hedra said. Camilla was saying all the right things and her smile looked genuine, so why couldn’t Hedra shake off the feeling that Camilla didn’t mean one damn word.

Trust those instincts, girl.

She would, but not that it mattered. She and Boone only had to pretend to date until Althea returned home, and Boone could be assigned a different job.

“I was a little surprised that Boone was dating you. You’re not,” Camilla looked her up and down, “his usual type.”

“Because I’m fat?” Hedra asked pleasantly.

Camilla flushed. “Of course not. You’re beautiful, Hedra.”

“I know. I said I was fat, not ugly,” Hedra said.

Camilla’s face turned an even brighter red, and Hedra said, “I apologize. I’m only teasing, but sometimes I go too far.”

Camilla smiled weakly. “No, it was funny. Really.”

“Right,” Hedra said. “So, why am I not Boone’s usual type?”

“You’re an introvert,” Camilla said.