Page 2 of End of Night

Using Boone’s body wash, she washed her foot and rinsed the tub completely clean before swinging her legs out of the tub. She grabbed a hand towel from the rack and, sitting on the side of the tub, dried her feet.

She wondered idly if Boone would consider letting her use his tub if she cleaned it afterward. She loved nothing more than sinking into a hot bath, and while the tub in her shared bathroom with Althea was perfectly serviceable, this tub was the gold standard.

It wouldn’t hurt to ask. The worse that could happen was he said no, right?

“What are you doing in here?”

Boone’s voice scared the hell out of her, but it was the sight of his sweaty, almost entirely naked body that sent her ass over teakettle back into the tub, banging the back of her head on the cold porcelain.

Wedged sideways into the tub like a turtle on its back, her scrub pants soaking up the water pooled in the bottom, and her legs stuck straight up in the air, Hedra gathered what little dignity she had left and said, “I had dog poop on my foot.”

Boone’s gaze dropped to her feet sticking up, and Hedra said, “I washed it off. That’s why I’m in here. It was an emergency situation. I’m not some weirdo who uses your bathroom when you’re not here.”

A grin crossed Boone’s face, and Hedra tried not to think about the fact that he wore nothing but a pair of shorts as he dropped the shirt he held into the laundry hamper near the tub. He took her hands and pulled her out of the tub like a stuck jack-in-the-box.

“It’s fine,” he said. “I don’t care if you use my bathroom.”

“Right,” she said. “Uh, how was sparring with Chase?”

“Good. I kicked his ass.” Boone grinned at her before scratching his chest.

She tracked the movement like she was a hunter stalking her prey. Boone’s upper body was gorgeous, with a light layer of dark hair, pussy dampening abs, and a treasure trail she longed to follow with her tongue.

“Little lamb,” Boone’s voice had turned low and intimate, and just the sound of it made her pussy wet.

She licked her lips and raised her gaze to his. The pure hunger in his eyes was a heady aphrodisiac. She clenched her thighs together, very aware of how her nipples tightened when Boone stared at her breasts.

He purred softly. “Stop looking at me like you want me to fuck you, little lamb.”

She tried to speak, but all that came out was a strangled sounding moan. Boone stalked forward until his chest nearly touched her breasts. His pupils went to slits, an indication he was speaking to his tiger, and she swallowed hard when a low growl escaped his throat.

His pupils rounded, and he leaned in and inhaled against her throat. “Your scent drives my tiger crazy. Did you know that? It’s all over the house, and we can’t escape it.”

“I…” she cleared her throat and tried again. “I’m sorry.”

He grinned at her, and she stared in fascination at his fangs. “Don’t be.”

He trailed one finger down her bare arm, sending goosebumps popping into life along her skin. Her desire to touch his sweaty, half-naked body was a raging fire inside of her.

“Boone, I…”

“I can hear you when you’re touching your pussy in your bed at night, sweet lamb,” Boone said with another low growl.

“Oh fuck,” she said.

He grinned and made a chuffing, purring sound.

“I’m… I’m very quiet,” she said.

He grinned, his pupils turning to slits again for a few seconds before he returned to her. “You are. You’re my quiet, soft lamb when you come on your fingers. But,” his finger traced along her collarbone, visible above her scrubs, “I have excellent hearing. Better than most tiger shifters.”

She couldn’t figure out if she was about to die from embarrassment or lust. It was obvious that Boone’s grandmother’s hearing had declined, but Boone was in the prime of his life. Hedra might have been human, but she’d grown up in a family of cheetah shifters and knew better than to use her vibrator, even if Boone’s bedroom was at the far end of the house. She’d thought she’d been so clever, using only her hand to masturbate instead of her buzzing vibrator.

Boone’s nostrils flared as he took another deep breath. “I lie in bed with my hard cock in my hand, listening to you touch yourself and wishing it was my fingers in your tight pussy. My tongue on that pretty little clit.”

She moaned quietly, her body nearly vibrating with need. Boone hadn’t kissed her, hadn’t touched her beyond a soft caress of her arm and collarbone, and she was so turned on she was about to have a wet spot on her scrubs.

“I jack myself off while you touch your clit,” Boone said with another soft purr. “I close my eyes and listen to your barely-there moans while I rub my dick and imagine you in my bed. Picture you riding me, my hands full of your perfect breasts, your tight cunt squeezing my dick with every thrust.”