Page 112 of End of Night

With a harsh groan, she fell on her side, her chest heaving for air and her body covered in a thin coat of yellow fur.

“Hedra!” Boone spun around, cupping Hedra’s face and tilting up her head. He examined her throat, sighing with relief when the wounds appeared fairly shallow. “Baby, are you okay?”

She nodded, her eyes huge and her face the colour of mountain snow. “Wh-what just happened?”

“Nan just happened,” he said grimly before turning around.

His grandmother stood in the doorway, her frail body bigger than normal and orange fur covering her face. She growled, her eyes glowing bright jade before she licked the blood from her lips and made another soft growl of triumph.

“Delicious,” she muttered, her voice low and distorted. She lifted her lip, growling and baring her fangs at Camilla. “I want more.”

She started toward Camilla, her clothes straining as her body grew larger with the shift.

“Nan, stop!” Boone grabbed her, forcing himself not to whimper like a cub when Nan turned her terrible, hot gaze on him.

She growled, and his tiger immediately retreated before his grandmother’s rage.

“Stop, Nan,” Boone repeated. “It’s over. Please, stop.”

To his relief, his grandmother’s eyes cleared, the anger dissipating as her body returned to its normal size and the fur on her face disappeared.

“Boonie? Are you okay?”

“Yes,” he said. “Are you?”

“Fine,” she said. “Is your mate hurt?”

He turned, his heart dropping to the fucking floor when Hedra was gone.

“Hedra!” he shouted, his panic dialed up to a fucking thousand. “Baby, where are you?”

“Here, I’m here.” She hurried into the living room with a stack of dishtowels in her good hand. She pushed past Boone and Nan and knelt beside Camilla, rolling her onto her back before pressing two folded dishtowels against her neck. Blood had pooled onto the floor, and Hedra grimaced before pressing harder. “Call 9-1-1.”

Boone stared at his nan, who gave him a look of ruthless indifference.

“Boone!” Hedra snapped. “Call 9-1-1, she’s bleeding out.”

“She would have killed you without a second thought, human,” Nan said.

“We aren’t like her,” Hedra said. “Boone, please.”

He pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1 as his mate, her face still pale, added a third dishtowel to the pile against Camilla’s neck before saying, “Hold on, Camilla.”

* * *

“I know I keep saying this over the past few days, but Nan… Nan took Camilla down.” Chase took a swallow of beer. “You and Hedra aren’t pulling my fucking leg, are you, Boone?”

Boone shook his head. “No.”

“She’s eighty-two and has a broken hip,” Chase said.

“Eighty-four,” Grayson corrected, “and her hip was healed.”

“Even if it hadn’t been healed, I doubt that would have stopped her,” Wes said.

“I know it wouldn’t have stopped her,” Cooper said.

Chase studied the four of them. “So, you’re telling me that Nan is a fucking badass.”