Page 56 of Evidence of Truth

Bobby came back with cans of beer for both of them. “Let’s drink to an easy job finding the bear.”

“Sure, why not?” he replied. “Something good has to come out of this.”

Bobby shrugged.

Martin popped the top and took a swig of lukewarm beer. “Think your fridge is on the blink. Doesn’t keep anything cold.” Wasn’t that the story of his life? Crappy house, warm beer. Was this all he could look forward to?

What choice did he have?


A long week later, Killian returned to the airport, eagerly awaiting Anne and Silas’s arrival.

She hadn’t wanted to bother him for a ride, but he insisted it was fine and said he was eager to see them. Holy shit! He couldn’t believe the words that came so quickly and truthfully out of his mouth.

Wasn’t it just a couple of months ago that he swore he wouldn’t fall into the same trap as the other guys? But he laughed it off at the barbecue when he and Anne made their entrance and everyone knew they were a couple. His words about never getting into a relationship came back to haunt him as the guys teased him. Anne’s girlfriends were ecstatic for them. So, all in all, the news went well.

The feelings for Anne and Silas snuck in so stealthily that he never had a chance to escape. Hell, never wanted to.

The airport buzzed with activity as passengers exited the gate and were greeted by friends and relatives. Killian stood in front of a small coffee shop, anxiously waiting for them and staring as each group departed the plane and walked into the concourse.

He was hit with a flood of emotions as Anne and Silas walked out of the gate—excitement, joy and fear. Anne’s head was swiveling around, looking for him. She looked sexy as all get-out in a blue-striped sundress and sweater.

Silas had on a gray hoodie with teeth and angry eyes and was hopping with excess energy. He spotted Killian first.

“Mr. Killian. Mr. Killian. We’re here,” Silas yelled and waved enthusiastically.

Anne looked over, and a broad smile lit up her face. She looked relaxed and happy.

He walked over to them and gave Anne a passionate kiss. Silas was tugging on his shirt. “Me too!”

Killian broke the kiss and cocked his head. “Hmmm. I’m not sure I want to tangle with a shark. You might bite me.”

“Silly, it’s a pretend shark hoodie. Grandpa bought it for me at the ’quarium.”

“Aquarium,” said Anne.

He thought for a moment. “Right. The ’quarium.”

Killian chuckled.

Could Silas look any cuter? The shark’s teeth were on the hood with a red interior.

“Well, as long as it’s pretend.” He picked Silas up. “Hey bud, you look like you’ve grown five inches.”

“You think?” asked Silas.

Anne laughed. “He may not have grown taller, but he is sure filling out. Everyone spoiled him rotten.”

He looked at Silas and smirked. “Spoiled, huh?”

Killian put Silas down and picked up their bags. “I can’t wait to hear about your trip,” he said to Silas.

It was the wrong choice of words.

For the next half hour, while Killian drove them home, Silas gave him a play-by-play description of everything he did.

Killian now knew that he loved his cousins even though they played house, and he had to be the daddy, which he hated. Then they played wedding, and he had to marry one of the girls, which he hated, and he had to run and hide from the girls when they wanted to paint his nails pink. Killian chuckled. Silas was in for a rude awakening when he got older. The girls didn’t play pretend anymore. They wanted the real thing.