Page 48 of Evidence of Truth

Anne’s heart was pounding—the nerve of this man. Killian was looking at her for answers.

She took a deep breath, exhaled. “Jason, you’re making a mistake. Six years ago, two weeks after you told me to go to hell, I had a miscarriage. It just about destroyed my life. I’m not sure if I can even have children now. The boy you see is my foster son. No relation to you in any way, shape or form.”

She didn’t dare look at Killian. He now knew her darkest secret. Even though Anne rationally knew the miscarriage was not her fault. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she clung to the thought that she was being punished for falling for and trusting the wrong man.

Jason’s eyes widened. “You’re lying. He has dark hair like me. The same age the baby would be now.”

“Take it up with the court.” She looked at Killian. His anger and pity were warring on his face.

She stood, as did Killian. “Now I’m going to ask you to leave my house. If you try to contact me again,” she said as she pointed to Killian, “I’ll have my friend here and his friends deal with you.”

Jason looked down at the floor. He took a deep breath. When he looked at Anne, his eyes softened. “I’m so sorry you lost the baby. I’m sorry I came on so strong.” He stood and walked toward the door. Killian followed him like an enraged bull.

Before he opened the door, he turned. “I guess I’ve made a fool of myself.” He glared at Killian. “You can call your guard dog off. I won’t bother you again.”

Jason slammed the door behind him.

Anne sat back on the sofa. What a strange turn of events. She felt an empty pit in her gut. All the emotions of Jason leaving and her losing the baby came back in a giant flash. The tears dripped down her cheek. Not only did Jason bring back bad memories, but he also embarrassed her in front of Killian. The miscarriage was something she’d never discussed with anyone, partly because she blamed herself for losing the baby. It was illogical. Some things were.

Killian must think her a fool.

She felt Killian’s warm body behind her gather her into his lap. He kissed her head and let her cry. Crap, this was not happening. Anne was an ugly crier. It didn’t matter. She couldn’t stop the gut-wrenching sobs.

Anne cried while Killian held her tight and told her everything was all right. She cried as Killian told her she was a special mom to Silas and how she saved his life. She cried as Killian enveloped her in his warmth and strength and whispered she made his heart sing.

Finally, when she was all cried out and hiccupping. Killian took her face in his hands and kissed her forehead, kissed each cheek, kissed her nose, and then kissed her mouth with lips softer than she expected.

His tongue was seeking entrance. She opened for him, and he showered all the emotion he never showed on her mouth and tongue, making love to it like it was the most special thing in the world.

Anne held him tighter. If she were standing, she knew her knees would be weak. This was the kiss of all kisses. She felt the connection between them bonding.

In her heart of hearts, she could trust this man. He was protective and trustworthy, plus he was the sexiest man she knew. He’d grow to love Luna—maybe. And he did like kids—kinda. At least he liked Silas, and that was all that mattered. She could work with that.


Killian held Anne tight, his arms wrapped around her while she sobbed. This evening turned out to be very different from what he expected, revealing a past filled with betrayal and heartache.

Who knew that jackass ex of hers was lurking in the bushes? And then demanded to share custody of a child he told Anne to abort. What kind of asshole does that? And what kind of man doesn’t take care of his own child and the mother of his child?

The most painful part was witnessing the devastation on Anne’s face as she informed Jason about her miscarriage. He guessed she never told a soul her secret. If she had, her girlfriends would have been there for her and helped her over the hump.

But he was here now. Her happiness, now and in the future, was in his hands.

Anne had the most strength of character and courage of any woman he knew. Wanting a child so badly, making plans to keep it, only to lose it and then years later to take in a foster child? This was a woman he wanted. One who would take on the devil himself to keep a child safe and loved.

He heard her hiccup, and then Anne pulled back. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked so lost.

“I’m sorry I got your shirt all wet,” she apologized, trying to brush tears away.

“I had to wash it anyhow,” he teased, hoping to get a smile from her, which he did. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No. Yes.” Anne sighed. “You heard the whole sordid story. It all happened a while ago while I was still in school pursuing my master’s degree.” She shook her head. “I thought Jason was the one. I trusted him and believed his lies.” A tear dropped down her cheek, and Killian rubbed it away with his thumbs.

“The guy’s a number one jerk. I can’t believe he gave up perfection,” Killian quipped, winking at Anne.

“Oh, you.” Anne laughed as she gently slapped his shoulder. “In retrospect, I don’t know how I would have cared for a baby while going to school and working full time.”

She bit her lip and rubbed her tongue over it. Killian felt his cock get hard. Now was not the time to think sexy thoughts.