Page 47 of Evidence of Truth

He marched the man into the house.

Anne walked out of the bedroom. She took one look at the man.




What the hell was he doing here? And why was he peeking in the window? Was he the man from school?

Dark hair, yes. Tall, yes. Good-looking, yes.

Damn, what did Jason want?

“You know this asshole?” Killian asked. He still had Jason’s arms behind his back and pushed him to stand up straighter. Jason yelped.

“Unfortunately, yes.”

Killian released Jason’s arms and pushed him into a chair. Jason rubbed his arms, his eyes shooting daggers at Killian.

“Explain.” Killian hovered over Jason.

“Let’s sit down, and we’ll talk,” said Anne. Killian sat on the couch, and Anne followed.

“Jason, care to tell me why you were at school today asking about me and why you were staring in my window?”

Killian’s throat rumbled, but Anne ignored it.

Jason gave Killian a dirty look. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“We have nothing to talk about. You made that perfectly clear six years ago.”

“Well, now we do. I’m getting married.”

“Congratulations?” What did that have to do with her?

Jason sat forward in the chair. “Thanks. My fiancée has a three-year-old son. We were talking about kids, and I said I had a child that I never met. She convinced me to find him. I knew you’d come back to Black Pointe to teach. I looked you up and followed you and the boy to school.”

Oh, dear Lord. This was not happening. Not with Killian here.

Killian looked between Jason and Anne, waiting for her answer.

“I want to be part of his life.” Jason sat back, looking all smug, like he was Mother Teresa.

“I don’t believe this,” exclaimed Anne. “You threw me away, told me to get an abortion, and now”—she sneered—“you want a relationship with a child you didn’t want?”

“Yeah. I make good money.” A small smile crossed his face. “I’d like to share custody.”

Anne rubbed her hands together. When she invited Killian for dinner, she never imagined a man from her past would show up. They were almost ready to kiss. They were going to be a couple. And now this.

The secret she’d told no one was now revealed in front of Killian. He had his own baggage. Would he want hers, too?

She felt heat coursing through her body. All the anger she’d held in for the past six years was bubbling just beneath the surface.

“You’re an asshole. You don’t get to decide what’s good for any children I have.”

Jason shook his head like he used to when she got emotional. “Anne. I’m his father. I’ll take you to court if I have to. You’re not married. My fiancée and I have a house and good jobs. I’ll go for full custody.”