Page 41 of Evidence of Truth

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” she exclaimed.

“Never, ever be sorry or say sorry to someone attacking you,” he replied. “That was excellent. Good job.”

Her eyes lit up. And that was what it was all about. Confidence. Confidence from knowing you have the skills to get out of a situation.

A clap for attention came from somewhere. Class was over. Killian walked over to where Anne and Ben were talking. He listened to Ben tell Anne she needed to be more aggressive if she didn’t want to get hurt.

“Miss Anne, Miss Anne.” Silas came running over, bursting with enthusiasm. “This is so much fun. Did you throw Mr. Ben? Kick him in the balls?” Silas put his hands in a boxing stance and jumped around.

Ben chuckled. “I’m kinda glad she didn’t.”

“Gosh, you’re a bloodthirsty little guy,” she said, ruffling his hair. “No, I didn’t do any of those things. We’re here to learn, not hurt.”

“Hey, bud,” said Killian. “You did great tonight. Did you learn anything?”

Silas was so excited that the words rushed out.

What Killian got out of it was, yes, he had fun; yes, he loved the class, and yes, he was excited about flipping someone over his shoulder. Anne rolled her eyes. Yeah, the kid was a hidden warrior.

Most of the employees from KnightGuard had left, as did the women and kids from the shelter.

Killian walked Anne and Silas outside. He was still sweaty from the class, but the temperature had dropped. Anne shivered and put on the sweater she was carrying.

“Um.” Anne looked uncomfortable. She was fidgeting with her purse when they arrived at her car.

“Mr. Killian, Mr. Killian, we want you to come to dinner,” said Silas, pulling on Killian’s shirt. Anne looked appalled.

“Silas!” she groaned. Anne covered and uncovered her face. She sighed and looked at Killian. “What he said.”

She was smiling, so Killian didn’t think Silas was in trouble.

“I—we would like to thank you for helping us,” she said.

Dinner? He could go for that. It’d been a long time since someone cooked dinner for him. A long, long time. Like never. “I’d like that. When were you thinking?”

“When are you free?”

“I’m free tomorrow night, if that’s okay.”

“Dinner will be earlier than I suppose you’re used to. Silas has school the next day.”

“Early is fine.” Killian grinned. “I’m hungry all the time. What can I bring?”

Anne shook her head. “Nothing. Do you like lasagna?”

“Love it.”

Silas did a silly dance as Anne helped him into his car seat. She turned to look at Killian. “Thank you,” she said softly. “Tonight was… interesting. I suppose I should get my inner bad girl to come out or I’ll never be able to protect myself.”

“You have an inner bad girl?” he teased. “Hmmm. I wouldn’t mind meeting her.”

Anne lightly slapped his arm. “Oh, you. Maybe one of these days, she’ll come out.” She sighed. “Until then, I guess I’ll have to keep practicing.”

“You’re fine,” he replied. “It takes practice. One of these days, you’ll be prepared and capable of protecting yourself and Silas.”

“I guess,” she murmured, then her face brightened up. “See you tomorrow night.”

She got in the car and closed the door. Killian lightly slapped the door.