Martin watched Anne and Silas leave school and get into her car. When she was a block ahead, he started the engine in his beat-up truck and followed at a respectful distance.
They made one stop at the pet store. He was able to park between two big trucks. Thankfully, they were in the store only for a short time.
He followed them out of town into a quiet neighborhood. Anne pulled into the driveway of a one-story stucco ranch with a two-car garage. She parked outside. Most people in Florida did when it was nice out. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in terms of landscaping, and the back wasn’t fenced in, but he could work with that.
After they went into the house, Martin parked and scanned the neighborhood. Who had security cameras? Ring doorbells? Dogs? His palms were sweaty, and he wiped them on his pants. He was this close to getting what belonged to him.
Just then, his stomach growled. He brought no food or drink with him. It was stupid not to expect it would be a long day of watching and he might get hungry. He’d grab something quick on his way home.
Then he’d reach out to Bobby and Jinx. The plan to break into Anne’s house needed to be glitch-free. They probably wouldn’t get a second chance.
Martin mentally made a list of what they would need—lock pick, crowbar and a business-sign magnet for the truck. It was always easier to break in during the day when the neighborhood was quiet. One of them needed to be on the lookout for nosy neighbors. So two vehicles were needed.
It wouldn’t take long once he was in the house. Hopefully, he’d find the bear and get out quickly.
What could be worse than a stomach bug going around the class? Having a child vomit on your lap. Anne felt terrible for Silas, whose face was a sickly shade of green with beads of sweat on his forehead.
The bile slithered up Anne’s gut. She felt okay, but the smell—crap, it was vile. Parents had already picked up two students, and it looked like Anne would have to bring Silas home. Thankfully, her teaching assistant was here today. Otherwise, the kids would have to go… somewhere. She couldn’t think about that right now.
Silas was moaning. She stood and guided him to the sink to wipe his face.
“Come on, sweetie, let’s get cleaned up,” she murmured as she wiped Silas down. His face was pale, and his droopy eyelids indicated all was not well yet. “We’ll go home and relax in front of the TV. How does that sound?”
Silas nodded weakly. Anne wiped herself clean and grabbed his backpack and a few large sheets of paper they used to paint on. It wasn’t much, but it would provide some protection to her seat and Silas’s car seat.
The drive home was uneventful. Silas was quiet but told her his stomach felt better. Good news. Hopefully, she wouldn’t catch whatever the kids were passing around. Classrooms were a hotbed of germs.
Anne pulled into her garage, her thoughts scattered as she helped Silas out of the car. They walked up the front path. She pulled out her key, but the front door was unlocked.
Had she forgotten to lock it in her rush to get to school?
She shrugged. It wouldn’t be the first time. The neighborhood was safe. Although most people worked during the day, there were a couple of retired folks at home at the beginning of the street; the rest were young couples with children.
They walked into the living room. “Silas, why don’t you get your PJs, and I’ll turn the shower on.”
He nodded and headed towards his room.
Anne turned her attention to the bathroom and shower. When she turned around, she screamed.
A tall man stood in the doorway. He was wearing gloves, his face was covered by a brightly colored bandanna, and he had a cap pulled over his forehead. His eyes were glaring, and he snarled, “Where is it, bitch?”
Her eyes darted to Silas, who stood in his room frozen in shock.
Anne ran to the door to get him, but the man reached over and grabbed her hair, stopping her in her tracks. “I asked where is it?”
“I—I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she squeaked. She was facing Silas and mouthed, Run. But he was rooted in fear and didn’t understand her.
She had to do something. Swinging her leg back, she kicked the man. Her kick went into the air and missed the man completely.
“Goddamn it.” He tugged harder on her hair and turned her around, delivering a brutal blow to her face that had her seeing stars.
“Ru—” she whispered, but Silas was petrified and still didn’t move.
The man shoved her into Silas’s room, knocking him over. Anne landed on her knees but was able to glance around to realize the room had been trashed. What was he looking for?
Silas walked around the man and kicked him in the back of his leg, but the man barely turned. Instead, he picked Anne up like a rag doll and threw her on the bed. He seized Silas by the scruff of his neck and started walking out the door.