Page 16 of Evidence of Truth

“Well, not everyone is cut out to be a teacher,” said Anne. She looked directly at Killian. “Or a parent.”

The group nodded. Okay then. Mic drop. Score one for the teacher. Killian, zero.

* * *

“Or a parent.”

Anne was having a wonderful time at the party. She had just met baby Savannah, and wasn’t she the most precious thing ever? She had Claire’s coloring—brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. Savannah was going to be a heartbreaker when she grew up.

However, if she knew anything about Joe, and she did, the little girl would be a black belt in karate before she turned five and probably be leaving broken bodies on the playground. Anne smiled to herself.

The conversation around the table was light and fun.

Anne hadn’t seen Jake or Pete in a while, and it was great catching up. She saw Mark and Sam at school when they brought Alex in or at parties like tonight.

Jake was flirting with her, but she didn’t take it seriously. He flirted with all the women. It was just his persona as a bar owner. Jake would flirt, but that was all it was.

He didn’t poach another man’s woman, he didn’t touch inappropriately, and he would stand up to any man who abused a woman. There was so much more to him than the carefree look he perfected.

Jake had asked her out once, but Anne had declined, and he respected her decision. At the time, she wasn’t in a good place, since she had just ended what she thought was a semi-serious relationship.

Then tonight, the dark-haired, brown-eyed, tall drink of sexiness took a seat. The group was having a pleasant conversation until he opened his mouth and insulted her profession and motherhood. Killing people versus teaching kids? Was he joking?

Anne had met guys like him. Guys who thought they were some kind of alpha male. It didn’t matter if she thought he was sexy. Looks could only take you so far. Your morals, values, and whatever you believed in were what made a person.

So, while Killian might be courageous, he seemed to lack compassion. She wondered what happened in his upbringing that would make him so dislike relationships and kids. Marriage wasn’t for everyone, but he seemed to have an aversion to it.

Humph. One thing for sure: She intended to enjoy the rest of the time at the party and forget she ever met Mr. Grumpypants.


Killian tried not to gag as vomit ran down his chest and practically glued him and the baby he was holding together. The baby looked him in the eyes and gave him a toothless smile. Smiled! And then vomited on him.

This was one of his worst nightmares. How did he even get stuck with providing security for a mother and two little kids under the age of five and a baby? And what was wrong with a husband who would try to hurt their mama?

It brought back too many unpleasant memories of his own childhood. The fact that KnightGuard Security provided protection free of charge meant that no woman would have to go through what his mom went through, and he was proud to help if only he wasn’t getting peed or vomited on.

The father had shown up just as he got to the apartment and started yelling and pushing his wife. Killian stepped in and told him what would happen if he didn’t stop. The man didn’t listen. A swift punch to the jaw knocked the asshole dad out. Killian didn’t want to harm the man in front of his kids, but the guy was drunk, belligerent, and out for blood. I guess he didn’t want the divorce.

Thankfully, the kids didn’t see half of what went on, but they knew even if they didn’t understand. Now it was time to gather their belongings and get to the shelter in Black Pointe.

The sound of sirens in the distance reminded Killian they had to act quickly. The husband sure as heck wouldn’t be telling any tales, but Killian didn’t want the family to go through any more trauma today or even have social services called and maybe have the kids taken away just because the guy couldn’t get control of himself.

“Mary, we need to hurry before the police get here,” Killian said calmly. “Grab the essentials, and let’s get the heck out of here.”

Mary nodded, her eyes red from crying. She scurried around the tiny apartment and threw clothes and toys into a plastic bag. She dragged it over to Killian and bit her lip. “I’m done.”

Killian rubbed his brow as he looked at the plastic bag that was only half full. Three kids and a small woman and this was all she had while the jerk on the ground was wearing new pants and shirt plus had on designer sneakers. The baby was clad in just a diaper, the two older kids in hand-me-down clothes. Shame on the dad.

Mary looked at Killian and lowered her eyes. How could a man disrespect a woman and the mother of his children like that? Since that was how he grew up, Killian had no answer.

He handed the baby to Mary, then leaned down, grabbed the bag and carried her sparse belongings to the car, then helped her strap the baby, toddler and preschooler into car seats. He opened the passenger door for Mary.

She sniffed the air and looked at his shirt. Her brows wrinkled. “I’m so sorry.”

“No need. It’ll wash out.” Killian gave her a small smile. In battle, he’d had worse on him. Was this how abusive relationships started—being blamed and apologizing for something you didn’t do or had no control over? There was no reason to make her feel bad for something the baby had no control over. At least today, the little family would have a happy ending.

As they drove to the shelter, Killian had time to reflect on the day.