Page 67 of Evidence of Truth

“I don’t know why he didn’t break in. The camera catches him fiddling with the door. Maybe he heard something. He stopped what he was doing and climbed out the window. He disappeared into the backyard, and I can’t find where he went.”

This was unsatisfactory. Tonight, he’d stay with Anne and Silas. Tomorrow, they would install more security measures. Killian prayed it was a random act of violence, but he honestly didn’t believe that.


Bobby Jenkins sprinted through the neighbors’ backyards, his footsteps silent on the grass until he reached his truck two streets over. His breath came out in ragged huffs and puffs. Damn, he needed to exercise more. Maybe tomorrow—or not.

He ripped off his mask, wiped the sweat from his face, and turned his black jacket inside out so the red was on the outside. Bobby calmly walked down the sidewalk, started his truck, and drove home.

He knew from Martin that security cameras were placed around the woman’s house but not the windows. He and Jinx had a similar experience a while back, where the smart-ass security experts didn’t think to put protection on windows. The trick was to avoid lifting the window.

Anne and the big guy had left a couple of hours ago, leaving some young babysitter and the kid alone in the house.

Bobby was a patient man. He waited in the trees for a long time after they left.

Thankfully, it was a pleasant night, warm but not uncomfortable. He had snacks and some beer to fill his stomach and lots of time to think about Martin and the stash. Martin was mistaken if he believed all Bobby wanted for helping him was to share some of the loot. He wanted it all. It wasn’t his fault the asswipe got caught and went to jail, leaving him and Jinx to continue on their own.

Tonight had been a trial run to see if the house was penetrable. If the garage door to the house had been unlocked, he would have snuck in, but it wasn’t. Locked meant the alarm might go off.

He just wanted to sneak in, sneak out, and not deal with hurting anyone—not that he was opposed to hurting.

No way in hell was he going back to the joint. For one thing, he was claustrophobic, and spending time in a small cell with another inmate was torture. In addition, he hated bland food, hated wearing someone else’s underwear even if it was washed, and hated having everyone watch him take a dump. Nah, hard pass on that.

Bobby still had a small portion of the loot they stole. Jinx had the largest share since it was his idea from the beginning, but Jinx was in jail and probably wouldn’t be out for a while.

Besides, Jinx was nasty. Brilliant but mean. Martin was neither clever nor nasty, just dumb. Dumb enough to stash his share in a bear and then expect the kid to have the bear four years later and to still be in the same city. Dumb.

Why should he spend his time helping Martin get the damn bear back for a measly share? Of course, the kid might not even have the bear anymore, and then what? He’d be out the bigger payout and maybe get caught. The hell with that. His mama didn’t raise a fool.


Silas was asleep in his bed.

The guys had finally left, promising to return the next day with glass protectors and any other security equipment they could think of.

Anne was showering. Killian sat at the kitchen table, nursing a beer and wondering how this special evening turned into shit. He banged his fist on the table. Everything had been going so well. He and Anne were relaxing, having fun, and enjoying a fantastic meal until she got the call from the sitter.

Who was this person who tried to get into her house? What did they want? Was it random? He was sure it wasn’t. Would this nightmare ever end? How could he keep her and Silas safe if he didn’t know who he was fighting?

“I’m going to bed.” Anne walked into the kitchen, still drying her hair with a towel. She had on a light pink pajama short set that he’d usually be removing right now. However, now was not the time for that. She needed to get some sleep.

“Okay, sweetheart. I checked on Silas. He’s asleep.”

“Good.” She sat down across from him. “I was so afraid that this would keep him up.” Anne sighed. “I’m concerned about social services, though. Will they think Silas isn’t safe with me and take him away? I don’t think I could handle that.” She started sniffling.

Killian opened his arms. “Come here, sweetheart.”

She got up from her chair, sat on his lap, and snuggled into his shoulder. He felt the hot tears through his shirt.

“Please don’t cry,” he whispered as he stroked her back. “We’ll figure this out.”

She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Do you think this was the work of the same person?”

“I don’t know.” Killian’s mind raced with unanswered questions. The only thing he had control over right now was more security measures. If those didn’t work, he’d have Anne and Silas come to his place or hire some guys from KnightGuard Security to watch over her. However, those were just Band-Aids, not solutions. They had to find this guy and find out what he wanted.

They stayed up for a few minutes until Killian placed Anne on her feet and gave her a little tap on her rear end. “Go to bed. I’ll be in soon.”

Anne nodded and sighed. She left the kitchen, and Killian finished his beer. He took one last look around the house and at the security cameras. All was well in Whoville, at least for the moment.