He handed the note to Anne.
Anne’s brows furrowed. “Oh dear. I must have missed it.” She looked at him. “I’m so sorry.”
“Stop.” He put his hands up. “Stop saying you’re sorry. It’s over and done.” He glanced at Anne, who was still wringing her hands. “I would appreciate it if we never speak of this again. I’d lose my man card if anyone heard this.” He smirked. “Promise?”
Anne gave him a small smile, crossed her heart, and zipped her lips.
Now that he could see better, he realized she had little on, just a spaghetti-strap top and boy shorts. And damn if she didn’t look adorable. And double damn, the woman surprised and hair-sprayed him.
Focus, Killian.
“Ahh.” He cleared his throat. “You might want to put something more on. The house is kinda chilly.”
Anne looked down and then up in horror. “Yes. I think I will. I’ll be out in a few.”
Killian made another pot of coffee while waiting for Anne. It was bad enough he hadn’t realized she was hiding and scared, but now that the suspense was over, he started thinking about her long legs and perky boobs, and his cock was getting hard.
What the hell was wrong with him?
“Okay, I’ll have that cup of coffee now,” said Anne. She’d dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a cotton long-sleeved sweater. Her feet were bare, and damn, she had adorable toes painted a pale pink. Adorable toes? He was in trouble. Trouble, trouble, trouble. This was a security job, not a “hi there, want to jump in the sack so I can adore your toes” job.
They sat at the kitchen table while he gathered his thoughts. She sipped a cup of coffee, lost in her own thoughts. Anne looked better but pale. Her eye was still swollen and black. The cuts on her face were healing and hopefully her mind was too. Getting hurt in the service was equally painful but expected. Civilians didn’t have that frame of reference.
This had to be one of the strangest details he’d ever been on.
In the past, he’d been sucker-punched, vomited on, and lied to. No one had ever hair-sprayed him.
Although now that he thought about it, Anne used her head and cleverness in using the hair spray as a weapon.
However, there were better ways of protecting herself. They needed to have a discussion on self-protection.
“I’m sorry about spraying you. I didn’t know what else to do or use.” She bit her lip.
Killian thought about his reply. “I would say you were quite inventive and showed a lot of courage.”
“But I hid.”
“Yep. Sometimes when the danger is bigger than you and violent, hiding is smart. You were particularly clever with the hair spray. It would have given you a few minutes to run.”
“That’s good,” she replied. “I think.”
“You know, Sam gives the women and kids at the shelter self-defense lessons. You and Silas would benefit from those. It will give you more confidence and some moves that might save your lives.”
“That’s right. I forgot about that,” said Anne. “I’ll reach out with Sam and get us enrolled.” She laughed. “Silas will love it. He’s always pretending to be a ninja. Maybe now he will be.”
“He’s a great kid. I think you’re right.”
Killian thought about his sister, Gina. Had she ever thought about self-protection classes? Tomorrow or the next day, he’d call and suggest it if she hadn’t. Not that he was concerned about his brother-in-law—Killian would kill him if he ever hurt Gina—but there were too many crazies out there who thought nothing about hurting people.
In today’s world, men, but especially women, needed to be extra careful and use all the skills available to them just to stay safe. He was lucky to have the service provide the necessary tools for him to stay alive. He’d make sure Anne and Silas had those skills, too.
The afternoon passed quickly by. Thankfully, Anne’s feet were chilly, so she put on a pair of socks. If he had to stare at her adorable toes all afternoon, he’d be sporting a woody all afternoon. Not a cool look for a bodyguard.
It also gave them a chance to talk. He told her how worried for Anne and how brave Silas was at Sam’s house. He mentioned how Luna gave him a run for his money, and Anne laughed.
Killian made her lunch and checked the fridge for food. Someone had dropped off a couple of casseroles. He’d warm one up for dinner. They watched a little TV. Anne fell asleep on the couch, and he covered her with a blanket.
He was making himself yet another cup of coffee when the door opened.