Page 23 of Evidence of Truth

Silas looked around with wide eyes.

Killian crouched down. “Have to say you gave us a bit of a scare, bud.”

Silas bit his lip. “Are you going to make me go back to Miss Cheryl’s?”

The fear in the little boy’s eyes made Killian sick. “No, we’re going to make sure you’re safe.”

Silas’s tummy growled, and Anne rushed off to make him a sandwich.

“So, why did you run away?” Danny asked. The little boy looked at the ground and bit his lips for a moment before he answered.

“They were mean to me.”

Anne came back with a glass of water and a sandwich. She asked Silas a few questions, and they were having an animated conversation before long. Killian admired the way Silas and Anne connected.

He wondered what was going to happen to Silas. Would they make him go back to Cheryl’s? Find another family that perhaps was just as bad? That was one thing he was grateful for growing up. His mother somehow kept him and Gina together. Otherwise they might have been split up if social services took them and he would never have seen her again. At least living at home, he could protect her from his father.

Anne had brought Silas onto her lap and was hugging him. The little boy snuggled in, realizing he was safe.

Killian realized he might have misjudged Anne. She stood up for a kid who had no one, and now she was showering him with compassion and understanding. Killian wondered what else he’d missed about Anne.


Anne clapped her hands. The sharp sound echoed in the classroom, and fifteen little faces looked expectantly over at her. “Okay, class, put away the books. We’re going to paint now.”

There were lots of enthusiastic yeahs as the children followed her instructions. The sound of chairs scraping on the tile floor and the rustling of books being closed and placed back on the shelves permeated the air. Anne looked at Silas, sitting next to his new friend Timmy. Timmy must have said something funny or silly because Silas couldn’t stop giggling. He was finally happy, and Anne was thrilled.

It had taken a lot of convincing and negotiations with Lily at social services, but she was able to take temporary custody of Silas and also keep him in her class.

They had to wait a week for Cheryl to consent, which she finally did, although she voiced strong concerns and claimed Silas was lying. The looks she gave Anne the next time she came to pick up her girls at school were venomous. Tough for her.

If all went well, Silas would be placed with Anne permanently in a few months. At some point, she’d ask Silas if he wanted her to adopt him, offering him the opportunity to become her son. The mere thought of becoming a mother brought a feeling of both joy and anxiety. Life had already taught her the pain of loss. There was so much to worry about, but he was happy with her now, and that was all Anne cared about.

Her friends came to the house to meet Silas a few days ago. He was overwhelmed by the gifts of toys and stuffed animals they brought and the attention they were showing him. Claire, Julie and Sam promised to bring their older kids over so Silas could have a playdate and get to know them.

Sam was thrilled KnightGuard Security could find him. In a way it was kind of funny that Silas was found in Anne’s car. If she had looked harder, the security team wouldn’t be needed. However, she was grateful the boy was found fast. Anne offered Sam money for their services, but Sam shut her down, claiming that was what some of her funding was for—helping those in need.

Thoughts of the rugged, sexy man who helped her find Silas passed briefly through Anne’s mind. Killian said he didn’t like kids, but he had been so gentle with Silas.

Anne stopped by the table where Silas and Timmy were painting. The aprons they wore covered most of the paint splatters. Timmy had a streak of green paint on his cheek, while Silas sported a similar one. Anne smiled. Those two were up to no good. She’d have to keep her eye on them.

“Good job, guys.”

Silas looked up at her with his big brown eyes. “Thanks, Miss Anne. I’m painting a forest with a bear.” Anne looked closer and squinted her eyes. Use your imagination. The brown speck looked like a bird, but what did she know? “Awesome.”

A change in the atmosphere had the hairs on her neck standing up. Was she being watched? Anne felt eyes on her the past week whenever she was outside. It was disconcerting. But she couldn’t find anyone staring at her whenever she looked around.

“Mr. Killian,” yelled Silas. Anne turned quickly and saw Killian standing in the doorway. Was he the cause of her unease?

No. It was something more. Something sinister. Anne hadn’t noticed the strange man around the playground recently and prayed seeing him before was just a fluke. Lately, though, it was a gut feeling, and she’d learned over the years to trust herself.

Killian nodded at her and walked over. “I wanted to see how Silas was doing. Any problem with me spending a minute to talk to him?”

“No,” said Anne. “I’m sure he’ll love it.”

He walked over to the table where Silas was sitting, turned a small chair around, and sat down, his huge frame hanging over. And wasn’t that the funniest thing she saw? Silas and Timmy were laughing along with Killian.

She couldn’t hear what they were saying but kept glancing over. Silas was relaxed, Killian was smiling, and all was good.