Killian had to agree. He knew many of the people here from work and hoped they would have his back if the shit hit the fan, which it did occasionally on security detail. “Congratulations on the little one,” said Killian.
Joe’s eyes softened as he observed the women. “Yeah. The girls haven’t had much of a chance to see Savannah. Claire is still nursing, so we brought her with us.”
Killian opened his mouth to ask him how life was different with a baby, but Luke loudly announced dinner was ready. Joe was already on the move to collect his wife and daughter. Sam and her friends were walking over and picking up plates and silverware.
“Women first,” yelled Danny Knight. He stood by the grill and ushered the women over like a maître d'. “Let’s hurry it up. I’m starving.”
Hailey, his wife, pursed her lips. “You’re always starving.” She looked at the grill and the table with its assortment of salads and side dishes. “There’s enough food here for us to eat three times. You’ll be okay.” She gave him a peck on the cheek and placed a hamburger on her plate.
The women followed suit. Killian surveyed the grill and the many hamburgers, steaks, hot dogs and chicken left on it. Were the women all on a diet? Danny didn’t have to worry about being hungry. None of them would.
Killian’s stomach growled. He was one of the last to grab some food. A steak and a piece of chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, beans and bread. Perfect.
He looked around.
There was an empty seat at one table, and he made his way over to where Jake, Sam, Mark Stone, Pete Carson, and the blonde were sitting.
Ah, what was her name again? Ashley? No. Anne.
He pulled out a chair next to Pete. “No Julie tonight?” he asked.
Pete shook his head. “No, Axl is sick, so she stayed home with the kids.”
Killian was just about to take a bite of steak when Sam asked, “Killian, have you met my friend Anne Walker?”
Jake snorted, and Killian felt an urge to slap him on the side of his head. Were they in kindergarten?
“Not officially. How are you, Anne?” he asked.
“I’m fine. Just enjoying this nice evening and connecting with friends.” She glanced over at him. “You’re new at KnightGuard.”
“Yup. Been here a couple of months,” he replied. “I heard you’re a teacher. What grade do you teach?”
Anne smiled. “Kindergarten. I love the little tykes.”
“Anne always has the best stories about the kids,” said Sam.
Killian mentally groaned. Of course she did.
“Thankfully, someone likes them. I would rather face enemy fire and torture than deal with kids,” replied Killian.
Silence. Killian looked around the table. Jake and Mark’s eyes rolled. Sam, Anne and Pete stared at him. No one was willing to break the uncomfortable silence.
Finally, Mark slapped him on the back. “Way to make things awkward, my friend.”
“I didn’t mean to compare war and kids,” Killian said. Crap. Another faux pas. “I just meant I couldn’t handle the drama.”
Man, he was on a roll tonight. It didn’t change his mind, though.
After the way Anne looked at baby Savannah, and now that he knew she taught kindergarten, he guessed she was ripe and ready for a husband and kids.
Sure, he would agree she was sexy—a blue-eyed blonde with a body that didn’t stop, his favorite—but they were on two different planets. Although he was sure several people here would be okay with setting the two of them up.
However, they didn’t know Killian. No way in hell was he being set up on a date, especially with a teacher who loved kids. He wanted the one and done. The woman who loved sex and left the next day. He wasn’t ready to commit to a relationship or worry about another person or kids in his life. There were too many everyday dangers to worry about, and kids muddied the water.